Section - FIRST PURCHASER RULES01.Designated Quarters. In accordance with Section 22-4716, Idaho Code, the Commission has designated the quarters (three (3) month periods) for the purpose of collecting the tax imposed by such statute as follows:a. The Commission's first quarter will begin on the first day of July and end the thirtieth day of September. The first quarter tax is due on or before the fifteenth day of October.b. The Commission's second quarter will begin on the first day of October and end the thirty-first day of December. The second quarter tax is due on or before the fifteenth day of January.c. The Commission's third quarter will begin on the first day of January and end the thirty-first day of March. The third quarter tax is due on or before the fifteenth day of April.d. The Commission's fourth quarter will begin on the first day of April and end the thirtieth day of June. The fourth quarter tax is due on or before the fifteenth day of July.02.Oilseed Tax Invoice (Form Number 1). Pursuant to Section 22-4719, Idaho Code, the first purchaser of oilseed is required to complete and send the Oilseed Tax Invoice (Form Number 1) to the Commission office each and every quarter on or before the dates specified in these rules. Form Number 1 shall be on official forms as prescribed by the Commission and be provided to the first purchaser by the Commission and, at a minimum, require the following legible information:a. The date of purchases and tax reporting period.b. The name and address of the oilseed seller and purchaser.c. The net weight of the oilseed sold in pounds or hundredweights.d. The total amount of tax deducted from Idaho oilseed producers by the purchaser.e. The total amount of tax due the Commission.03.Late Payment Penalty. Per Section 22-4716(4), Idaho Code, any person or firm who makes payment to the Commission at a date later than prescribed by law, is subject to a late payment penalty of twelve percent (12%) per annum on the amount due.Idaho Admin. Code r.