Section - DEFINITIONS01.Common Carrier. Any person who holds itself out to the general public to engage in the transportation by motor vehicle in commerce in the state of Idaho of passengers or property for compensation.02.Contract Carrier. Any person who, under individual contracts or agreements, engages in the transportation by motor vehicle of passengers or property in commerce in the state of Idaho for compensation.03.Environmental Restoration. See 49 CFR 387.5.04.Hazardous Material. See 49 CFR 171.8, 49 CFR 172.101, and 49 CFR 173 .05.Injury. Harm to the body, sickness, or disease resulting from a motor carrier accident, including death from an injury.06.Interstate Carrier. Any person who owns or operates any motor vehicle in the state of Idaho or on the highways of the state of Idaho, in commerce between the States, or between the States and a foreign Nation, used or maintained for the transportation of persons or property.07.Private Carrier. Any person not included in the terms "common carrier" or "contract carried' who or which transports in commerce in the state of Idaho by motor vehicle property of which such person is the owner, lessee, or bailee, when such property is for the purpose of sale, lease, rent or bailment, or in the furtherance of any commercial enterprise; provided, that a motor vehicle of a private carrier, not in excess of eight thousand (8,000) pounds gross vehicle weight, not engaged in the transport of a hazardous substance, is exempt.08.Property Damage. Damage to or loss of use of tangible property.Idaho Admin. Code r.