Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Manual Submissions. Unless otherwise provided in these rules and in addition to any specific requirements set forth in the formal solicitation, bids or proposals submitted manually must be made on the form provided, which form must be properly completed and contain a signature to receive consideration. All changes or erasures on manual submissions shall be initialed in ink. Unsigned or improperly submitted bids or proposals will be rejected. The purchasing authority assumes no responsibility for failure of the United States Postal Service, any private or public delivery service, or any computer or other equipment to deliver all or a portion of the bid or proposal at the time or to the location required by the formal solicitation.
02.Electronic Submissions. Unless otherwise provided in these rules and in addition to any specific requirements set forth in the formal solicitation, bids or proposals submitted electronically must be submitted in accordance with and meet all applicable requirements of these rules and contain a signature. Submission of a bid or proposal through e-procurement shall constitute a signature. The purchasing authority assumes no responsibility for failure of any electronic submission process, including any computer or other equipment to deliver all or a portion of the bid or proposal at the time or to the location required by the formal solicitation.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023