Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Camping. Any activity prohibited under Section 67-1613, Idaho Code.
02.Capitol Commission. The Idaho State Capitol Commission established in Section 67-1606, Idaho Code.
03.Commemorative Installation. Any statue, monument, sculpture, memorial or landscape feature designed to recognize a person, group, event or element of history.
04.Department. The Department of Administration.
05.Director. The Director of the Department of Administration or his designee.
06.Display. An attended exhibition or installation of physical items during an Event.
07. Event. Any activity including, but not limited to, arts or cultural presentations, weddings, dinners, award ceremonies, memorials, and seminars.
08. Exhibit. Exhibitions or installations of physical items outside of an Event including, but not limited to, commemorative installations, floral displays, art objects, historical artifacts, and cultural objects.
09.Exterior. The exterior of the Idaho State Capitol, the real property, the grounds, and the improvements on the exterior of the Idaho State Capitol or on its grounds.
10.Idaho State Capitol. The building and grounds governed by chapter 16, title 67, Idaho Code, and located at capitol square as identified on the Boise City original townsite plat filed in the Ada County Recorder's office in book 1 on page 1. The Idaho State Capitol is bounded by the following streets: State Street, Sixth Street, Jefferson Street, and Eighth Street.
11.Interior. The interior spaces within the Idaho State Capitol.
12.Jefferson Steps. The building entrance at the second floor of the Idaho State Capitol, the steps extending from the entrance, and the hard surface extending between the steps and the sidewalk along Jefferson Street.
13. Law Enforcement. An officer of the Idaho state police, Ada County sheriff's office, or Boise City police granted authority to enforce the laws of the state of Idaho and ordinances for the Idaho State Capitol pursuant to Section 67-1605, Idaho Code, or any peace officer as defined in Section 19-5101, Idaho Code, or an equivalent law enforcement officer in the service of the United States who is authorized by law or the Idaho State Police to exercise jurisdiction at the Idaho State Capitol.
14.Legislative Galleries. The areas of the Interior overlooking the Senate and the House and accessed from the fourth floor of the Interior.
15.Legislative Hearing Rooms. A room in the Interior holding a meeting of a committee of the Idaho legislature.
16.Permit. A written authorization issued by the Director allowing use of the Idaho State Capitol as set forth in the Permit. A Permit serves as a reservation to use a portion of the Idaho State Capitol with the priority for use set forth in Subsection 200.04 of these rules.
17.Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer of the Senate is the President Pro Tempore. The Presiding Officer of the House is the Speaker. The Presiding Officer of a standing, joint, or special legislative committee is the legislator chairing the committee hearing.
18. Private Event or Private Exhibit. Any activity sponsored or initiated by a member of the public that is open only to invited or qualifying individuals or groups. Private Events and Private Exhibits include, but are not limited to, weddings, dinners, award ceremonies, memorials, and seminars.
19.Private Space. The portion of the Interior that is not Public Space.
20.Public Space. The portion of the Interior that is maintained by the Department pursuant to Section 67-1602(1), Idaho Code, and is not designated as closed to the public by being marked "private," "no admission," "staff only," or similarly designated as not open to the public.
21.Public Use. Use that is not:
a. A State Event or Exhibit;
b. Use by a public officer, official, employee, contractor, agency, or board or commission for state of Idaho business; or
c. State Maintenance and Improvements.
22.Security Personnel. A state of Idaho employee or a staff member of a state of Idaho contractor whose job duties include monitoring compliance with and enforcing these rules.
23.State Business Day. Monday through Friday, excluding the holidays set forth in Section 73-108, Idaho Code.
24.State Events and Exhibits. All functions initiated and controlled by any state of Idaho agency, board, commission, officer or elected official acting on behalf of the state of Idaho.
25.State Maintenance and Improvements. Maintenance or improvement of the Idaho State Capitol by the state of Idaho or its contractors. Maintenance for the purpose of this definition includes, but is not limited to, grounds maintenance such as mowing, watering, landscaping, aerating, resodding, fertilizing and planting; and structural maintenance such as pressure washing, painting, window cleaning, and re-glazing. Improvement for the purpose of this definition includes, but is not limited to, the following: construction of new buildings or portions of buildings; renovations to existing buildings; the installation of permanent structures and equipment such as benches, sprinklers, flagpoles, monuments and memorials; and, the installation of temporary equipment and structures such as construction fencing, generators and portable buildings.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023