Section - AREAS OF DRILLING CONCERN01.General.a. The Director may designate an "area of drilling concern" to protect public health, or to prevent waste and contamination of ground or surface water, or both, because of factors such as aquifer pressure, vertical depth to the aquifer, warm or hot ground water, or contaminated ground or surface waters.b. The designation of an area of drilling concern does not supersede or preclude designation of part or all of an area as a Critical Ground Water Area (Section 42-233a, Idaho Code), Ground Water Management Area (Section 42-233b, Idaho Code), or Geothermal Resource Area (Sections 42-4002 and 42-4003, Idaho Code).c. The designation of an area of drilling concern can include certain aquifers or portions thereof while excluding others. The area of drilling concern may include low temperature geothermal resources while not including the shallower cold ground water systems.02.Bond Requirement.a. The minimum bond to be filed by the well driller with the Director for the construction or modification of any well in an area of drilling concern is ten thousand dollars ($ 10,000) unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Director that a smaller bond is sufficient.b. The Director may determine on a case-by-case basis if a larger bond is required based on the estimated cost to repair, complete or properly decommission (abandon) a well.03.Additional Requirements.a. A driller must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that he has the experience and knowledge to adequately construct or decommission (abandon) a well which encounters warm water or pressurized aquifers.b. A driller must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that he has, or has immediate access to, specialized equipment or resources needed to adequately construct or decommission (abandon) a well.Idaho Admin. Code r.