Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Culverts and Bridges. Culverts and bridges shall be capable of carrying streamflows and shall not significantly alter conditions upstream or downstream by causing flooding, turbidity, or other problems. The appearance of such installations shall not detract from the natural surroundings of the area.
02.Location of Culverts and Bridges. Culverts and bridges should be located so that a direct line of approach exists at both the entrance and exit. Abrupt bends at the entrance or exit shall not exist unless suitable erosion protection is provided.
03.Ideal Gradient. The ideal gradient (bottom slope) is one which is steep enough to prevent silting but flat enough to prevent scouring due to high velocity flows. It is often advisable to make the gradient of a culvert coincide with the average streambed gradient.
a. Where a culvert is installed on a slope steeper than twenty percent (20%), provisions to anchor the culvert in position will be required. Such provisions shall be included in the application and may involve the use of collars, headwall structures, etc. Smooth concrete pipe having no protruding bell joints or other irregularities shall have such anchoring provisions if the gradient exceeds ten percent (10%).
04.Size of Culvert or Bridge Opening. The size of the culvert or bridge opening shall be such that it is capable of passing design flows without overtopping the streambank or causing flooding or other damage.
a. Design flows shall be based upon the following minimum criteria:

Drainage Area

Design Flow Frequency

Less than 50 sq. mi.

25 Years

Over 50 sq. mi. or more

50 years or greatest flow of record, whichever is more

b. For culverts and bridges located on U.S. Forest Service or other federal lands, the sizing should comply with the Forest Practices Act as adopted by the federal agencies or the Department of Lands.
c. For culverts or bridges located in a community qualifying for the national flood issuance program, the minimum size culvert shall accommodate the one hundred (100) year design flow frequency.
d. If the culvert or bridge design is impractical for the site, the crossing may be designed with additional flow capacity outside the actual crossing structure, provided there is no increase in the Base Flood Elevation.

(NOTE: When flow data on a particular stream is unavailable, it is almost always safe to maintain the existing gradient and cross-section area present in the existing stream channel. Comparing the proposed crossing size with others upstream or downstream is also a valuable means of obtaining information regarding the size needed for a proposed crossing.)

e. Minimum clearance shall be at least one (1) foot at all bridges. This may need to be increased substantially in the areas where ice passage or debris may be a problem. Minimum culvert sizes required for stream crossings:
i. Eighteen (18) inch diameter for culverts up to seventy (70) feet long;
ii. Twenty-four (24) inch diameter for all culverts over seventy (70) feet long.
f. In streams where fish passage is of concern as determined by the director, an applicant shall comply with the following provisions and/or other approved criteria to ensure that passage will not be prevented by a proposed crossing.
g. Minimum water depth shall be approximately eight (8) inches for salmon and steelhead and at least three (3) inches in all other cases.
h. Maximum flow velocities for streams shall not exceed those shown in Figure 17 in APPENDIX H, located at the end of this chapter, for more than a forty-eight (48) hour period. The curve used will depend on the type of fish to be passed.
i. Where it is not feasible to adjust the size or slope to obtain permissible velocities, the following precautions may be utilized to achieve the desired situation.
j. Baffles downstream or inside the culvert may be utilized to increase depth and reduce velocity. Design criteria may be obtained from the Idaho Fish and Game Department.
k. Where multiple openings for flow are provided, baffles or other measures used in one (1) opening only shall be adequate provided that the opening is designed to carry the main flow during low-flow periods.
05.Construction of Crossings. When crossings are constructed in erodible material, upstream and downstream ends shall be protected from erosive damage through the use of such methods as dumped rock riprap, headwall structures, etc., and such protection shall extend below the erodible streambed and into the banks at least two (2) feet unless some other provisions are made to prevent undermining.
a. Where fish passage must be provided, upstream drops at the entrance to a culvert will not be permitted and a maximum drop of one (1) foot will be permitted at the downstream end if an adequate jumping pool is maintained below the drop.
b. Downstream control structures such as are shown in Figure 18 in APPENDIX I, located at the end of this chapter, can be used to reduce downstream erosion and improve fish passage. They may be constructed with gabions, pilings and rock drop structures.
06.Multiple Openings. Where a multiple opening will consist of two (2) or more separate culvert structures, they shall be spaced far enough apart to allow proper compaction of the fill between the individual structures. The minimum spacing in all situations shall be one (1) foot. In areas where fish passage must be provided, only one (1) opening shall be constructed to carry all low flows. Low flow baffles may be required to facilitate fish passage.
07.Areas to be Filled. All areas to be filled shall be cleared of vegetation, topsoil, and other unsuitable material prior to placing fill. Material cleared from the site shall be disposed of above the high water line of the stream. Fill material shall be reasonably well-graded and compacted and shall not contain large quantities of silt, sand, organic matter, or debris. In locations where silty or sandy material must be utilized for fill material, it will be necessary to construct impervious sections both upstream and downstream to prevent the erodible sand or silt from being carried away (see Figure 19, APPENDIX J, located at the end of this chapter), Sideslopes for fills shall not exceed one and one half to one (1.5:1) . Minimum cover over all culvert pipes and arches shall be one (1) foot.
08.Installation of Pipe and Arch Culvert. All pipe and arch culverts shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
a. The culvert shall be designed so that headwaters will not rise above the top of the culvert entrance unless a headworks is provided.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022