Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.BOPE. Must be capable of controlling the well under known and unknown reservoir conditions.
a. If reservoir conditions are unknown, data loggers shall be installed to continuously monitor and record the following conditions until the well has been drilled to total depth.
i. Drilling mud temperature (in and out).
ii. Drilling mud pit level.
iii. Drilling mud pump volume.
iv. Drilling mud weight.
v. Drilling rate.
vi. Hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide gas volume (with alarm).
b. Annular BOPE with a minimum working pressure of one thousand (1,000) PSI shall be installed on the surface casing. If unusual conditions are anticipated, a BOPE may be required on the conductor pipe.
c. If drilling mud temperature out reaches one hundred twenty-five (125) Degrees C (Celsius), drilling operations shall cease, drilling mud circulation will continue and the Director must be notified immediately. The operator must obtain the Director's approval of his proposed course of action prior to resuming drilling operations.
d. When reservoir conditions are known, a gate valve with a minimum working pressure rating of three hundred (300) PSI may be installed on the well head.
e. When reservoir conditions are known, the temperature of the return mud shall be monitored continuously. Either a continuous temperature monitoring device shall be installed and maintained in working condition or the temperature shall be read manually. In either case, return mud temperatures shall be entered into the logbook for each thirty (30) feet of depth drilled.
f. The Director may approve BOPE modifications upon written request by the applicant. BOPE requirements under these rules may be modified by the Director depending upon the knowledge of the area. Such requirements may be set forth on the approved application for permit to drill a geothermal well or made in the field by Department personnel monitoring construction of the well.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 30, 2023