Section - DEFINITIONSUnless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions govern these rules.
01.Acre-Foot (AF). A volume of water sufficient to cover one (1) acre of land one (1) foot deep and is equal to forty-three thousand, five hundred sixty (43,560) cubic feet.02.Acre-Foot/Annum. An annual volume of water that may be diverted under a given use or right.03.Amendment. A change in point of diversion, place, period or nature of use or other substantial change in the method of diversion or use of a permitted water right.04.Capacity Measurement. The maximum volume of water impounded in the case of reservoirs or the maximum rate of diversion from the source as determined by actual measurement of the system during normal operation.05.Certified Water Right Examiner. A professional engineer or professional geologist, qualified and registered in the state of Idaho who has the knowledge and experience necessary to satisfactorily complete water right field examinations as determined by the Director, and who has been appointed by the Director, Idaho Department of Water Resources as a certified water right examiner. A certified water right examiner is commonly termed a field examiner, water right examiner or examiner. A certified water right examiner is an impartial investigator and reporter of the information required by the Director to determine the extent of beneficial use established in compliance with a permit. Department employees are authorized to conduct water right examinations at the discretion of the Director.06.Conveyance Works. The ditches, pipes, conduits or other means by which water is carried or moved from the point of diversion to the place of use. Storage works, if any, such as a dam can be considered part of the conveyance works.07.Cubic Foot Per Second (CFS). A rate of flow approximately equal to four hundred forty-eight and eight tenths (448.8) gallons per minute and also equals fifty (50) miner's inches.08.Department. The Idaho Department of Water Resources.09.Director. The Director of the Idaho Department of Water Resources.10.Duty of Water. The quantity of water necessary when economically conducted and applied to land without unnecessary loss as will result in the successful growing of crops.11.Examination or Field Examination. An on-site inspection or investigation to determine the extent of application of water to beneficial use and to determine compliance with terms and conditions of the water right permit.12.Field Report. The form provided by the Department upon which the examiner records the data gathered and describes the extent of diversion of water and application to beneficial use. The report is fully termed beneficial use field report and is also termed a field examination report.13.Headworks or Diversion Works. The constructed barriers or devices on the source of water (surface water or ground water) by which water can be diverted from its natural course of flow and/or measured.14.License. The certificate issued by the Director in accordance with Section 42-219, Idaho Code confirming the extent of diversion and beneficial use of the water that has been made in conformance with the permit conditions.15.License Examination Fee. The fee required in Section 42-221K, Idaho Code, and is also termed an examination fee.16.Legal Subdivision. A tract of land described by the government land survey and usually is described by government lot or quarter-quarter, section, township and range. A lot and block of a subdivision plat recorded with the county recorder may be used in addition to the government lot, quarter-quarter, section, township and range description.17.Measuring Device. A generally accepted structure or apparatus used to determine a rate of flow or volume of water. Examples are weirs, meters, and flumes. Less typical devices may be accepted by the Director on a case-by-case basis.18.Nature of Use. The characteristic use for which water is applied. Examples are domestic, irrigation, mining, industrial, fish propagation, power generation, municipal, etc.19.Period of Use. The time period during which water under a given right can be beneficially used.20.Permit Holder or Owner. The person, association, or corporation to whom a permit has been issued or assigned as shown by the records of the Department.21.Permit or Water Right Permit. The water right document issued by the Director authorizing the diversion and use of unappropriated public water of the state or water held in trust by the state.22.Place of Use (P.U. or POU). The location where the beneficial use is made of the diverted water.23.Point of Diversion (P.D. or POD). The location on the public source of water from which water is diverted. Examples are pump intake, headgate, well locations, and dam locations.24.Project Works. A general term which includes diversion works, conveyance works, and any devices which may be used to measure the water or to apply the water to the intended use. Improvements which have been made as a result of application of water, such as land preparation for cultivation, are not a part of the project works.25.Proof of Beneficial Use. The submittal required in Section 42-217, Idaho Code. This submittal is commonly termed proof.26.Source. The name of the natural water body at the point of diversion. Examples are Snake River, Smith Creek, ground water, spring, etc.Idaho Admin. Code r.