Section - CIGARETTE TAX RETURNSection 63-2510, Idaho Code
01.Cigarette Tax Return. All cigarette wholesalers required to affix Idaho stamps to cigarettes, or who make sales to U.S. military or Indians on reservations, or who have a stamping warehouse or business located within this state and sell cigarettes in interstate commerce are required to file an Idaho cigarette tax return.02.Filing Returns. The return will be in a form prescribed by the Tax Commission and will be filed on a monthly basis.03.Due Date. The return will be filed by the wholesaler on or before the twentieth day of the month immediately following the month to which the return applies. If the twentieth day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return will be due on the next following day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. The return must account for and tax must be paid on all cigarette stamps affixed during the month to which the return applies.04.Requirements of a Valid Return. A tax return or other documents required to be filed in accordance with Section 63-2510, Idaho Code, and this rule must meet the conditions prescribed below. Those which fail to meet these requirements are invalid. They may be rejected and returned to the taxpayer to be redone in accordance with these requirements and refiled. A taxpayer who does not file a valid return will be considered to have filed no return. A taxpayer's failure to properly file in a timely manner may cause certain penalties to be imposed by Sections 63-3030A, 63-3046, and 63-3075, Idaho Code, and rules thereunder. a. All cigarette tax return forms must be completed and copies of all pertinent supporting schedules or computations must be attached. The results of supporting computations must be carried forward to applicable lines on the cigarette tax return form.b. All cigarette tax returns or other documents filed by the taxpayer must include their cigarette wholesaler's permit number and Federal Taxpayer Identification Number in the space provided.c. A cigarette return that does not provide sufficient information to compute a tax liability does not constitute a valid cigarette tax return.d. Perfect accuracy is not a requirement of a valid return, even though each of the following conditions is required: it must be on the proper form, as prescribed by the Tax Commission; it must contain a computation of the tax liability and sufficient supporting information to demonstrate how that result was reached; and it must show an honest and genuine effort to satisfy the requirement of the law.05.Failure to File a Return. Any wholesaler required to file a return who fails to file such return will be in violation of this regulation and will be required to appear before the Tax Commission to show cause as to why their permit should not be revoked. See Section 63-2503, Idaho Code.06.Implementation of Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. Chapter 78, Title 39, Idaho Code, enacted as part of the settlement agreement with several cigarette manufacturers requires nonparticipating manufacturers to place certain funds in escrow accounts. The Tax Commission is required to ascertain the amount of state excise tax paid on cigarettes manufactured by manufacturers that are not participating in the Master Settlement Agreement. Therefore, as part of the cigarette tax return, cigarette wholesalers must report separately the number of Idaho cigarette stamps affixed to products manufactured by manufacturers that are not participating in the Master Settlement Agreement.07.Wholesale Sales of Stamped Cigarettes. Every wholesaler who imports unstamped cigarettes into this state must file a return, however; a cigarette wholesaler who buys only stamped cigarettes for resale is not required to file a return.Idaho Admin. Code r.