Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Section 63-4502, Idaho Code

01.Notification of New Capital Investment - Locally Assessed Property.
a. Prior to receiving the benefit of the tax exemption, the taxpayer will notify the county in which the project site is located that the taxpayer expects to meet the criteria of the New Capital Investments Tax exemption. Notification is accomplished by submitting a written declaration or notification with the board of county commissioners containing the following information:
i. The name and address of the taxpayer;
ii. A description of the new capital investment project;
iii. The assessor's parcel number(s) identifying the location of the project site;
iv. The date that the qualifying period began;
v. A statement that the taxpayer will make a qualified new capital investment of at least one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) within the qualifying period.
b. The notification required hereunder may be submitted by the taxpayer to the board of county commissioners at any time after the qualifying period begins. However, if the notification is submitted after April 15 in a given year, a taxpayer may receive the benefit of the exemption only for tax years following the year in which the notification is filed. Submittal of the notification required hereunder will constitute application for the exemption in compliance with Section 63-602, Idaho Code. Until the taxpayer meets all the requirements for the New Capital Investments Tax exemption, for each year after the first year in which the exemption is granted, the notice must identify the name and address of the taxpayer and the location of the project site, but does not need to provide additional information as required in Paragraph 630.01.a. of this rule.
02.Notification of New Capital Investment - Centrally Assessed Operating Property. For taxpayers applying for the exemption for operating property subject to assessment by the Tax Commission, the taxpayer will provide notice to the Tax Commission no later than April 30 of the first year the exemption is sought, as part of the operator's statement required pursuant to Section 63-404, Idaho Code, and Rule 404 of these rules, that the taxpayer expects to meet the criteria of the New Capital Investments Tax exemption.
a. To be eligible for the exemption, information to be provided on the operator's statement must include:
i. A description of the new capital investment project;
ii. The location of the project site, including county and tax code area(s);
iii. The date that the qualifying period began;
iv. A statement that the taxpayer will make a qualified new capital investment of at least one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) within the qualifying period.
b. The notification required hereunder may be submitted by the taxpayer to the Tax Commission at any time after the qualifying period begins. However, if the notification is submitted after April 30 in a given year, a taxpayer may receive the benefit of the exemption only for tax years following the year in which the notification is filed. Submittal of the operator's statement including notification information required hereunder will constitute application for the exemption in compliance with Section 63-602, Idaho Code. Until the taxpayer meets all the requirements for the New Capital Investments Tax exemption, for each year after the first year in which the exemption is granted, the notice must identify the location of the project site, but does not need to provide additional information as required in Paragraph 630.02.a. of this rule.
03.Notification of New Capital Investment - Taxpayers Applying on Behalf of both Locally and Centrally Assessed Property. A taxpayer may apply for this exemption on behalf of both locally and centrally assessed property located in the same county.
a. The taxpayer must comply with notice requirements in Subsection 630.01 of this rule for locally assessed property, and for centrally assessed property, the April 30 filing deadline found in Paragraph 630.02.b.
b. Once the taxpayer notifies the Tax Commission as provided in Subsection 630.02 of this rule, the Tax Commission will notify the county commissioners and county assessor by the second Monday in May of the taxpayer's new capital investment project property to be locally assessed and of the taxpayer's filing an application for the exemption. By the later of the fourth Monday in July or the conclusion of the county board of equalization, as provided in Section 63-501, Idaho Code, the county clerk must provide to the Tax Commission a statement of the equalized assessed value of the taxpayer's locally assessed property.
c. The exemption is granted by the Tax Commission, which will notify the county commissioners and taxpayer by the first Monday in September of the amount of the exemption and the remaining taxable value of the centrally assessed operating property of the taxpayer. This remaining value is to be calculated so that the sum of the centrally and locally assessed property of the taxpayer in the county in which the exemption is being granted does not exceed four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000).
d. The exemption will apply to the combined total value of the locally and centrally assessed property of the taxpayer within the county in which the project site is located. For continuation of the exemption for both locally and centrally assessed property, Subsections 630.07 and 630.08 of this rule will apply, and, upon satisfaction of the requirements therein, the Tax Commission will notify the county of the continuing exemption.
04.Property of the Taxpayer. Property of a taxpayer includes all real, personal, or operating property that is owned by or leased to the taxpayer under an agreement that makes the taxpayer responsible for the payment of any property taxes on the property.
05.New Construction. Property taxable under Section 63-4502, Idaho Code, and that qualifies for listing on the new construction roll as described by Section 63-301(A)3, Idaho Code, may be listed on the new construction roll.
06.Failure to Make the Qualifying New Capital Investment.
a. If the taxpayer fails to make the qualifying new capital investment during the qualifying period, the property will lose the exemption granted by this section at the conclusion of the qualifying period.
b. In the event that, at any time during the qualifying period, the taxpayer receiving the exemption for locally assessed property no longer intends to fulfill the qualified new capital investment requirements, the taxpayer must notify the county commissioners who will notify the county assessor. Upon receipt of such notification, the property previously granted the exemption is taxable for the remainder of the year in which the notification is provided, pursuant to Section 63-602Y, Idaho Code. Failure of the taxpayer to provide such notice does not prevent the county assessor from discovering the taxpayer's intent through alternate procedures and then notifying the county commissioners that the requirements for the exemption are no longer met. In such an instance, the taxpayer must be notified and may appeal loss of the exemption to the county board of equalization as provided in Section 63-501A, Idaho Code.
c. In the event that, at any time during the qualifying period, the taxpayer receiving the exemption for operating property no longer intends to fulfill the qualified new capital investment requirements, the taxpayer must notify the Tax Commission. Upon receipt of such notification, the property previously granted the exemption is taxable. If the notification is received before the Tax Commission has completed the assessment of the operating property for a given year, the exemption will not be granted for that year. If the notification is received after the assessment is completed, the exemption is rescinded beginning the following tax year. If the taxpayer owns centrally and locally assessed property, the Tax Commission will also notify the county commissioners and assessor of the rescinding of the exemption.
07.Continuation of Tax Exemption Following the End of the Qualifying Period - Locally Assessed Property.
a. At any time during the qualifying period, but not later than ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the qualifying period, the taxpayer must provide notice to the county commissioners with sufficient evidence to prove that the required qualifying new capital investment has been made.
b. Once the taxpayer has successfully met all the requirements pursuant to Section 63-4502, Idaho Code, and provided notice to the county commissioners pursuant to Paragraph 630.07.a. of this rule, the county commissioners will notify the county assessor and taxpayer of the taxpayer's continuing qualification for the exemption for all years thereafter. The county assessor will retain this notice.
c. After the year in which the taxpayer has been notified of continuing qualification as provided in Paragraph 630.07.b. of this rule, the taxpayer must continue to notify the county annually to identify the property to be exempted pursuant to Subsection 630.07. Failure to make such notification will not invalidate the exemption; the county assessor must then apply the exemption against the assessed value of the taxpayer's highest value parcel within the county.
08.Continuation of Tax Exemption Following the End of the Qualifying Period - Centrally Assessed Operating Property.
a. At any time during the qualifying period after the requirements for this exemption have been met, but not later than ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the qualifying period, the taxpayer must provide notice to the Tax Commission with sufficient evidence to prove that the required qualifying new capital investment has been made.
b. Once the taxpayer has successfully met all the requirements pursuant to Section 63-4502, Idaho Code, and provided notice to the Tax Commission pursuant to Paragraph 630.08.a. of this rule, the Tax Commission will notify the taxpayer that the exemption will continue to be granted in perpetuity, and will notify the taxpayer annually prior to the due date for the operator's statement that they must identify the property qualifying for the exemption in these statements. Failure to provide either notification will not invalidate the exemption; the Tax Commission must then apply the exemption against the assessed value of the taxpayer's operating property within the county. Centrally assessed taxable property otherwise permitted to be included on the new construction roll is reported to the county assessor for inclusion on the next available new construction roll.
09.Cross Reference. See Sections 63-802 and 63-301A, Idaho Code, and Rule 802 of these rules.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024