Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Section 63-3027(4), Idaho Code

01.In General. A taxpayer is subject to the allocation and apportionment provisions of Section 63-3027, Idaho Code, if it has income from business activity that is taxable both within and without Idaho. A taxpayer's income from business activity is taxable without Idaho if the taxpayer is taxable in another state within the meaning of Section 63-3027(4), Idaho Code, as a result of that business activity. A taxpayer is taxable in another state if it meets either of the following tests:
a. The taxpayer is subject to one (1) of the taxes specified in Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code, as a result of its business activity in another state; or
b. Another state has jurisdiction to subject the taxpayer to a net income tax as a result of its business activity, regardless of whether the state imposes the tax on the taxpayer.
02.Not Taxable in Another State. A taxpayer is not taxable in another state with respect to a particular trade or business merely because the taxpayer conducts activities in the other state pertaining to the production of nonapportionable income or business activities relating to a separate trade or business.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023