Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Local Exchange Service. Billing statements for residential and small business local exchange service will be regularly issued and must contain the following information:
a. The date the billing statement is issued;
b. The time period covered by the billing statement;
c. The due date by which payment must be received, unless the customer has authorized automatic monthly payment. If automatic payment is authorized, the customer must be informed in writing when funds will be withdrawn from a bank account or charged to a credit card account. In addition, the billing statement must state the actual or earliest possible date that funds will be withdrawn or the credit card charged unless the customer consents otherwise in writing at the time automatic payment is authorized;
d. Any amounts transferred from another account;
e. Any amounts past due;
f. Any payments or credits applied to the customer's account since the last bill;
g. The total amount due;
h. Names of all telephone companies or entities providing goods and services for which the customer is billed, sufficient information to readily identify the goods and services provided, and the amounts charged;
i. The toll-free telephone number(s) available to customers for answering inquiries and resolving complaints about goods and services billed;
j. An itemization of charges for goods and services provided to the customer and any associated fees, taxes, surcharges or subscriber line charges. Charges for each good or service provided as part of a package under a single price, or calling plans in which individual calls are billed at a flat rate regardless of usage need not be separately itemized.
02.MTS Bills. In addition to the requirements of Rule 201.01, bills for MTS service must identify the number called and the date, time, duration, destination and charge for each call, unless the customer has selected a flat rate calling plan. For collect and third-party calls the MTS provider must also itemize the origin of the call.
03.Other Services. No telephone company may send demand letters or initiate collection efforts for any amount owed by a customer who subscribes to or is billed for services other than local exchange service and MTS services provided by another telephone company unless the bill separately lists those services as required by this rule.
04.Customer Request for Less Detail. Upon customer request, telephone companies may provide billing statements containing less detail than required by this rule. Telephone companies must make available without charge detailed billing information for the preceding twelve (12) months to those customers who have elected to receive less detail on monthly billing statements but subsequently request more detail.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022