Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Maps, Plans, and Records. Gas corporations must maintain maps, plans, and records as prescribed by this rule. The gas corporation will keep in the principal office of each of its division or district a map or maps and information about the distribution system that will enable the local representatives to furnish information about the gas corporation regarding rendering of service to existing and prospective customers of the gas corporation. The maps will show the size, character, and location of each street main, district regulator, street valve and drip, and when practicable, each service connection in the corresponding territory served. In lieu of showing date of installation and service locations on maps, a card record or other suitable means may be used.
02.Maps of Manufacturing, Mixing, Compressor, and Storage Facilities. Each gas manufacturing or mixing plant and each compressor station and storage facility shall be provided with an accurate ground plan drawn to a suitable scale, showing the entire layout of the plant or station, the location, size, and character of plant, equipment, major pipelines, connections, valves, and other facilities used for the production and delivery of gas, all properly identified.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024