Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Order May Require Tariff Submission. When the Commission orders that tariffs be filed, the order may require the tariff to be accompanied by explanatory documents, summaries, workpapers, or similar material. When the Commission authorizes a utility to file new tariffs pursuant to a general rate case order, the Commission may require the utility to file a complete tariff set containing pages with and without changed rates and charges.
02.Staff Review of Tariffs Filed Pursuant to Order. When a utility files tariffs with the Commission pursuant to an order of the Commission in a proceeding in which other persons are party, the responsibility for reviewing the tariff submission to determine whether it complies with the Commission's order is upon the Commission Staff, which shall promptly report to the Commission whether the tariffs do comply. The review of tariffs filed pursuant to order is an ex parte, ministerial responsibility of the Commission Staff. Tariffs may be approved in the minutes of the Commission's decision meetings or by minute entry after Staff review without further order.
03.Motions With Regard to Tariffs Submitted Pursuant to Order. If the Commission has approved tariffs, parties or persons contending that approved tariffs are inconsistent with the Commission's orders may file appropriate motions asking that approval be reviewed.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022