Section - FILING DOCUMENTS WITH THE COMMISSION - NUMBER OF COPIES - DISCOVERY - ELECTRONIC FILINGThe following numbers of documents shall be filed with the Commission Secretary:
01.Printed Filings. When filing printed material: a. In utilities cases (other than those cases specified in Subsections 061.01.b. and 061.01.c. of this rule): i. Pleadings (applications, petitions, complaints, motions, answers and consent agreements)--an original (unbound and unstapled) and seven (7) copies.ii. Briefs, proposed orders, statements of position, and exceptions under Rule 312 --an original (unbound and unstapled) and seven (7) copies.iii. Prepared testimony and exhibits--nine (9) copies (one (1) copy designated as reporter's copy) plus CD-ROM as required by Rule 231.05.b. Security issuance cases: i. Pleadings--an original (unbound and unstapled) and four (4) copies.ii. Other documents except for discovery-related documents -- three (3) copies.c. Telecommunication interconnection agreements: i. Pleadings--an original (unbound and unstapled) and three (3) copies.ii. All other documents -- two (2) copies.02.Filing Discovery. Discovery-related documents shall be filed in printed or electronic format.a. If printed filing -- three (3) copies to the Commission Secretary.03.Electronic Filings. Subject to Rules 61.04, all fillings may be filed electronically with the Commission Secretary as an attachment to an e-mail or on a CD-ROM. The electronic document shall be in a computer searchable form of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) without password protection.04.Commission Secretary's Authority to Require Printed Filings. The Commission Secretary is authorized to require an electronic filing be also filed in printed form. The Commission Secretary may specify the number of printed copies.Idaho Admin. Code r.