Section - RECIPROCAL LICENSUREIf the practice privilege standard set out in Section 54-227, Idaho Code, is not applicable, the Board will issue a license to an applicant provided that the applicant pays the application and licensure fees prescribed in Rule 400 and meets one of the following:
01.Interstate Reciprocity. The requirements for a reciprocal license under Section 54-210(2), Idaho Code. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, an individual whose principal place of business is not in this state and who holds a valid license or permit with unrestricted practice privileges as a Certified Public Accountant from any state that the NASBA National Qualification Appraisal Service has verified to be in substantial equivalence with the CPA licensure requirements of the AICPA/NASBA Uniform Accountancy Act is presumed to have the qualifications substantially equivalent to this state's requirements.02.International Reciprocity. The requirements for foreign reciprocal licensure under Section 54-210(5), Idaho Code, provided that the Board relies on the International Qualifications Appraisal Board for evaluation of foreign credential equivalency. Such licensees are to report any investigations undertaken, or sanctions imposed, by a foreign credentialing body against the licensee's foreign credential. The Board will participate in joint investigations with foreign credentialing bodies and rely on evidence supplied by such bodies in disciplinary hearings.Idaho Admin. Code r.