Section - TEMPORARY PERMIT01.General. Is issued for a period of time, not to exceed three (3) months, to individuals with previous scaling experience who need to scale for commercial purposes.02.Procedure to Obtain. Submit the application form; remit a twenty-five dollar ($25) fee; submit a letter from the employer requesting the temporary permit and identifying where the permittee would be scaling; take and pass the written portion of the scaler's examination; and demonstrate practical scaling abilities through an acceptable check scale.03.Regulations Governing Use of Temporary Permit.a. Permits expire at the next practical examination date or three (3) months from the date of issuance, whichever comes first. The scale determined by a temporary permittee may be used as a basis for payment.b. Should a temporary permittee fail to take the practical portion of the scaler's examination after being notified in writing of the time and place of said examination, the temporary permit will be canceled.c. Temporary permits will not be issued to anyone who has failed the practical examination two (2) or more times, until thirty (30) days following the individual's last exam failure.Idaho Admin. Code r.