Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Camping. Permanent camping is prohibited. Temporary camping on endowment land is allowed, provided:
a. Camping in one location is limited to a total of fourteen (14) days within a period of twenty-eight (28) consecutive days. Continued camping on endowment lands beyond fourteen (14) days is allowed if the camp, all camping equipment, and all personal belongings are moved outside of a five (5) mile radius of the prior site, and if the campers otherwise comply with the requirements of Subsection 20.01.
b. Campers must not leave any personal property unattended for more than forty-eight (48) hours;
c. The location is not posted as "closed to camping"; and
d. Campfires are contained within a ring no wider than three (3) feet in diameter.
02.Roads and Trails. Using roads and trails on endowment land is allowed, provided users:
a. May not create any roads or trails.
b. Follow vehicle width, weight, length, and type limitations.
c. Comply with any posted road or trail closures.
d. Follow road and trail limitations and closures posted at trailheads, gates, and local Department offices, as shown on maps and the Department website (
e. May not block, obstruct, or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, with vehicles or by any other means.
03.Motorized and Mechanized Use. Motorized and mechanized travel is permitted on department designated roads, trails, and cross-country travel areas.
04.Gates and Fences. Blocking gates, fence access points, or livestock handling equipment is prohibited.
05.Litter. Depositing any debris, paper, litter, glass bottles, glass, nails, tacks, hooks, hoops, cans, barbed wire, boards, trash, garbage, or other waste substances on endowment land is prohibited.
a. When toilet facilities are unavailable, solid human waste must be disposed of at least two hundred (200) feet from water sources, trails, parking areas and campsites. Waste can either be bagged and carried out or buried in a hole at least six (6) inches deep.
b. Any construction or placement of restroom facilities must be temporary in nature. All concentrations of solid human waste must be packed out.
06.Signs. Interfering with or damaging signs is prohibited.
07.Fire Restrictions. Prohibited acts enumerated in the annual Idaho Fire Restrictions Plan for Stage 1 and Stage 2 fire restrictions apply to endowment land.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024