Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Encroachment Applications. No person shall hereafter make or cause to be made any encroachment on, in or above the beds or waters of any navigable lake in the state of Idaho without first making application to and receiving written approval from the department. The placing of dredged or fill material, refuse or waste matter intended as or becoming fill material, on or in the beds or waters of any navigable lake in the state of Idaho shall be considered an encroachment and written approval by the department is required. If demolition is required prior to construction of the proposed encroachment, then the application must describe the demolition activities and the steps that will be taken to protect water quality and other public trust values. No demolition activities may proceed until the permit is issued.
02.Signature Requirement. Only persons who are littoral owners or lessees of a littoral owner shall be eligible to apply for encroachment permits. A person who has been specifically granted littoral rights or dock rights from a littoral owner shall also be eligible for an encroachment permit; the grantor of such littoral rights, however, shall no longer be eligible to apply for an encroachment permit. Except for waterlines or utility lines, the possession of an easement to the shoreline does not qualify a person to be eligible for an encroachment permit.
03.Other Permits. Nothing in these rules shall excuse a person seeking to make an encroachment from obtaining any additional approvals lawfully required by federal, local or other state agencies.
04.Repairs, Reinstallation of Structures. No permit is required to clean, maintain, or repair an existing permitted encroachment, but a permit is required to completely replace, enlarge, or extend an existing encroachment. Replacement of single-family and two-family docks may not require a permit if they meet the criteria in Section 58-1305(e), Idaho Code. Reinstalling the top or deck of a dock, wharf or similar structure shall be considered a repair; reinstallation of winter damaged or wind and water damaged pilings, docks, or float logs shall be considered a repair. Repairs, or replacements under Section 58-1305(e), Idaho Code, that adversely affect the bed of the lake will be considered a violation of these rules.
05.Dock Reconfiguration.
a. Rearrangement of single-family and two-family docks will require a new application for an encroachment permit.
b. Rearrangement of community docks and commercial navigational encroachments may not require a new application for an encroachment permit if the changes are only internal. The department shall be consulted prior to modifications being made, and shall use the following criteria to help determine if a new permit must be submitted:
i. Overall footprint does not change in dimension or orientation;
ii. No increase in the square footage, as described in the existing permit and in accordance with Paragraph 015.13.a., occurs. This only applies to community docks;
iii. The entrances and exits of the facility do not change.
06.Redredging. Redredging a channel or basin shall be considered a new encroachment and a permit is required unless redredging is specifically authorized by the outstanding permit. Water quality certification from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality is required regardless of how redredging is addressed in any existing or future permit.
07.Forms, Filing. Applications and plans shall be filed on forms provided by the Department together with filing fees and costs of publication when required by these rules. Costs of preparation of the application, including all necessary maps and drawings, shall be paid by the applicant.
a. Plans shall include the following information at a scale sufficient to show the information requested:
i. Lakebed profile in relationship to the proposed encroachment. The lakebed profile shall show the summer and winter water levels.
ii. Copy of most recent survey or county plat showing the full extent of the applicant's lot and the adjacent littoral lots.
iii. Proof of current ownership or control of littoral property or littoral rights.
iv. A general vicinity map.
v. Scaled air photos or maps showing the lengths of adjacent docks as an indication of the line of navigability, distances to adjacent encroachments, and the location and orientation of the proposed encroachment in the lake.
vi. Total square footage of proposed docks and other structures, excluding pilings, that cover the lake surface.
vii. Names and current mailing addresses of adjacent littoral landowners.
b. Applications must be submitted or approved by the littoral owner or, if the encroachment will lie over or upon private lands between the natural or ordinary high water mark and the artificial high water mark, the application must be submitted or approved by the owner of such lands. When the littoral owner is not the applicant, the application shall bear the owner's signature as approving the encroachment prior to filing.
c. If more than one (1) littoral owner exists, the application must bear the signature of all littoral owners, or the signature of an authorized officer of a designated homeowner's or property management association.
d. Applications for noncommercial encroachments intended to improve waterways for navigation, wildlife habitat and other recreational uses by members of the public must be filed by any municipality, county, state, or federal agency, or other entity empowered to make such improvements. Application fees are not required for these encroachments.
e. The following applications shall be accompanied by the respective nonrefundable filing fees together with a deposit toward the cost of newspaper publication, which deposit shall be determined by the director at the time of filing:
i. Nonnavigational encroachments require a fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000); except that nonnavigational encroachments for bank stabilization and erosion control require a fee of five hundred fifty dollars ($550).
ii. Commercial navigational encroachments require a base fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000). If the costs of processing an application exceed this amount, then the applicant may be charged additional costs as allowed by Title 58, Chapter 13, Section 58-1307, Idaho Code;
iii. Community navigational encroachments require a fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000); and
iv. Navigational encroachments extending beyond the line of navigability require a fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
f. Applicants shall pay any balance due on publication costs before written approval will be issued. The Department shall refund any excess at or before final action on the application.
g. Application for a single-family or two-family dock not extending beyond the line of navigability or a nonnavigational encroachment for a buried or submerged water intake line serving four or less households shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing fee of four hundred twenty-five dollars ($425).
h. No publication cost is required for application for noncommercial navigational encroachment not extending beyond the line of navigability or for application for installation of buried or submerged water intake lines and utility lines.
i. Applications and plans shall be stamped with the date of filing.
j. Applications that are incomplete, not in the proper form, not containing the required signature(s), or not accompanied by filing fees and costs of publication when required, shall not be accepted for filing. The department shall send the applicant a written notice of incompleteness with a listing of the application's deficiencies. The applicant will be given thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice of incompleteness to resubmit the required information. The deadline may be extended with written consent of the department. If the given deadline is not met, the department will notify the applicant that the application has been denied due to lack of sufficient information. The applicant may reapply at a later date, but will be required to pay another filing fee and publication fee, if applicable.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022