Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Permanent Closure Plan Approval Required. No operator shall operate a new cyanidation facility or materially modify or materially expand an existing cyanidation facility prior to obtaining a permit, approval from the director and before the operator has filed financial assurance, as required by these rules.
02.Permanent Closure Plan Requirements. A permanent closure plan shall:
a. Identify the current owner of the cyanidation facility and the party responsible for the permanent closure and the long-term care and maintenance of the cyanidation facility;
b. Include a timeline showing:
i. The schedule to complete permanent closure activities, including neutralization of process waters and material stabilization, and the time period for which the operator is responsible for post-closure activities; and
ii. If the operator plans to complete construction, operation, and/or permanent closure of the cyanidation facility in phases, the schedule to begin each phase of construction, operation, and/or permanent closure activities and any associated post-closure activities.
c. Provide the objectives, methods, and procedures that will achieve neutralization of process waters and material stabilization during the closure period and through post-closure;
d. Provide a water management plan from the time the cyanidation facility is in permanent closure through the defined post-closure period. The plan must be prepared in accordance with IDAPA 58.01.13, "Rules for Ore Processing by Cyanidation," administered by the DEQ, as required to meet the objectives of the permanent closure plan.
e. Include the schematic drawings for all BMPs that will be used during the closure period, through the defined post-closure period, and a description of how the BMPs support the water management plan, and an explanation of the water conveyance systems that are planned for the cyanidation facility.
f. Provide proposed post-construction topographic maps and scaled cross-sections showing the configuration of the final heap or tailing facility, including the final cap and cover designs and the plan for long-term operation and maintenance of the cap. Caps and covers used as source control measures for cyanidation facilities must be designed to minimize the interaction of meteoric waters, surface waters, and ground waters with wastes containing pollutants that are likely to be mobilized and discharged to waters of the state. Prior to approval of a permanent closure plan, engineering designs and specifications for caps and covers must bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer that is both signed and dated by the engineer;
g. Include monitoring plans for surface and ground water during closure and post-closure periods, adequate to demonstrate water quality trends and to ensure compliance with the stated permanent closure objectives and the requirements of the chapter;
h. Provide an assessment of the potential impacts to soils, vegetation, and surface and ground waters for all areas to be used for the land application system and provide a mitigation plan, as appropriate.
i. Provide information on how the operator will comply with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq.; Idaho Hazardous Waste Management Act, Chapter 44, Title 39, Idaho Code; Idaho Solid Waste Management Act, Chapter 74, Title 39, Idaho Code; and appropriate state rules, during operation and permanent closure;
j. Provide sufficient detail to allow the operator to prepare an estimate of the reasonable costs to implement the permanent closure plan;
k. Provide an estimate of the reasonable estimated costs to complete the permanent closure activities specified in the permanent closure plan in the event the operator fails to complete those activities. The estimate shall:
i. Identify the incremental costs of attaining critical phases of the permanent closure plan and a proposed financial assurance release schedule;
ii. Assume that permanent closure activities will be completed by a third party whose services are contracted for by the Board as a result of a financial assurance forfeiture under Section 47-1513, Idaho Code.
l. If the proposal is to complete cyanidation facility construction, operation, and/or permanent closure activities in phases:
i. Describe how these activities will be phased and how, after the first phase of activities, each subsequent phase will be distinguished from the previous phase or phases; and
ii. Describe how any required post-closure activities will be addressed during and after each subsequent phase has begun.
m. Provide any additional information that may be required by the Department to ensure compliance with the objectives of the permanent closure plan and the requirements of the chapter.
03.Preapplication Conference. Prospective applicants are encouraged to meet with the Department well in advance of preparing and submitting an application package to discuss the anticipated application requirements and application procedures, and to arrange for a visit or visits to the proposed location of the cyanidation facility. The preapplication conference may trigger a period of collaborative effort between the Department, the DEQ, and the applicant in developing checklists to be used by the agencies in reviewing an application for completion, accuracy, and protectiveness.
04.Application Package for Permanent Closure. An application and its contents submitted to the Department will be used to determine whether an applicant can complete all permanent closure activities in conformance with all applicable state laws. An application must provide information in sufficient detail to allow the director to make necessary application review decisions regarding cyanidation facility closure and protection of public health, safety, and welfare, in accordance with the chapter. A complete application package must be submitted to the Department. A complete application package for an operator proposing to use cyanidation shall consist of:
a. A Department application form completed, signed, and dated by the applicant. This form shall contain the following information:
i. Name, location, and mailing address of the cyanidation facility;
ii. Name, mailing address, and phone number of the operator. An out-of-state operator shall designate an in-state agent authorized to act on his behalf. In case of an emergency that requires actions to prevent environmental damage, both the operator and his agent will be notified;
iii. Land ownership status (federal, state, private or public);
iv. The legal description to the quarter-quarter section of the location of the proposed cyanidation facility; and
v. The legal structure (corporation, partnership, etc.) and primary place of business of the operator.
b. Evidence that the applicant is authorized by the Secretary of State to conduct business in the state of Idaho;
c. A permanent closure plan as prescribed in Subsection 071.02;
d. The DEQ application and supporting materials;
e. The fee as defined in Subsection 071.05.a.
05.Application Fee. The application fee shall consist of two (2) parts:
a. Processing and review fee.
i. The applicant shall pay a nonrefundable five thousand dollar ($5,000) fee upon submission of an application. Within thirty (30) days of receiving an application and this fee, the director shall provide a detailed cost estimate to the operator which includes a description of the scope of the Department's review; the assumptions on which the Department's estimate is based; and an itemized accounting of the anticipated number of labor hours, hourly labor rates, travel expenses and any other direct expenses the Department expects to incur, and indirect expenses equal to ten percent (10%) of the Department's estimated direct costs, as required to satisfy its statutory obligation pursuant to the chapter.
ii. If the Department's estimate is greater than five thousand dollars ($5,000), the applicant may agree to pay a fee equal to the difference between five thousand dollars ($5,000) and the Department's estimate, or may commence negotiations with the Department to establish a reasonable fee.
iii. If, within twenty (20) days from issuance of the Department's estimate, the Department and applicant cannot agree on a reasonable application processing and review fee, the applicant may appeal to the Board. The Board shall:
(1) Review the Department's estimate;
(2) Conduct a hearing where the applicant is allowed to give testimony to the Board concerning the Department's estimate; and
(3) Establish the amount of the application review and processing fee.
iv. If the fee is more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), the applicant shall pay the balance of the fee within fifteen (15) days of the Board's decision or withdraw the application.
v. Nothing in this section shall extend the time in which the Board must act on a plan submitted.
b. Permanent closure cost estimate verification fee.
i. Pursuant to Sections 47-1506(g) and 47-1508(f), Idaho Code, the Department may employ a qualified independent party, acceptable to the operator and the Board, to verify the accuracy of the permanent closure cost estimate.
ii. The applicant is solely responsible for paying the Department's cost to employ a qualified independent party to verify the accuracy of the permanent closure cost estimate. The applicant may participate in the Department's processes for identifying qualified parties and selecting a party to perform this work.
iii. If a federal agency has responsibility to establish the financial assurance amount for permanent closure of a cyanidation facility on federal land, the Department may employ the firm retained by the federal agency to verify the accuracy of the permanent closure cost estimate. If the director chooses not to employ the firm retained by the federal agency, he shall provide a written justification explaining why the firm was not employed.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022