Section - DEFINITIONSIn addition to the definitions set forth in the chapter, the following definitions apply to these rules:
01.Adit. A nearly horizontal passage from the surface into an underground mine.02.Approximate Previous Contour. A contour that is reasonably comparable to that contour existing prior to disturbance, or that blends with the adjacent topography.03.Best Management Practices (BMP). Practices, techniques or measures developed or identified by the designated agency and identified in the state water quality management plan which are determined to be a cost-effective and practicable means of preventing or reducing pollutants generated from nonpoint sources to a level compatible with water quality goals.04.Chapter. The Mined Land Reclamation Act, Title 47, Chapter 15, Idaho Code.05.Department. The Idaho Department of Lands.06.Discharge. With regard to cyanidation facilities, when used without qualification, any spilling, leaking, emitting, escaping, leaching, or disposing of a pollutant into the waters of the state.07.Ground Water. Any water of the state that occurs beneath the surface of the earth in a saturated geological formation of rock or soil.08.Land Application. A process or activity involving application of liquids or slurries potentially containing cyanide from the cyanidation facility to the land surface for the purpose of treatment, neutralization, disposal, or groundwater recharge.09.Material Change. A change that deviates from the approved reclamation plan or permanent closure plan and causes one (1) or more of the following to occur: a. Results in a substantial adverse effect to the geotechnical stability of overburden disposal areas, topsoil, stockpiles, roads, embankments, tailings facilities, cyanidation facilities or pit walls;b. Substantially modifies surface water management or a water management plan, not to include routine implementation and maintenance of BMPs;c. Exceeds the permitted acreage; ord. Increases overall estimated reclamation costs by more than fifteen percent (15%).10.Material Modification or Material Expansion. With regard to cyanidation facilities: a. Any change to a permitted cyanidation facility, except as provided in Subsection 010.10.b, that the Department determines will:i. Cause or increase the potential to cause degradation of waters, such as a new cyanidation process or cyanidation facility component; orii. Change the capacity, location, or process of an existing cyanidation facility component; oriii. Change the site condition in a manner that is not adequately described in the original permit application.b. Reclamation and closure related activities at a cyanidation facility with an existing permit that did not actively add cyanide after January 1, 2005 are not material modifications or material expansions of the cyanidation facility.11.Material Stabilization. Managing or treating spent ore, tailings, other solids and/or sludges resulting from the cyanidation process to minimize waters or all other applied solutions from migrating through the material and transporting pollutants associated with the cyanidation facility to ensure that all discharges comply with all applicable standards and criteria.12.Motorized Earth-Moving Equipment. Backhoes, bulldozers, front-loaders, trenchers, core drills, and other similar equipment.13.Neutralization. Treatment of process waters such that discharge or final disposal of those waters does not, or will not, violate any applicable standards and criteria.14.Operating Plan. A plan that describes how a mining operation will be constructed and operated to avoid or minimize surface disturbance and potential impacts to waters of the state, and to prepare for final reclamation.15.Permanent Closure. Those activities that result in neutralization, material stabilization, and decontamination of cyanidation facilities or the facilities' final reclamation.16.Permit. When used without qualification, any written authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by the DEQ. This includes authorizations issued pursuant to the application, public participation, and appeal procedures in IDAPA 58.01.13, "Rules for Ore Processing by Cyanidation," and those issued pursuant to the application, public participation, and appeal procedures in IDAPA Chemicals, chemical waste, process water, biological materials, radioactive materials, or other materials that, when discharged, cause or contribute adverse effects to any beneficial use or for any other reason may impact waters of the state.18.Process Waters. Any liquids intentionally or unintentionally introduced into any portion of the cyanidation process. These liquids may contain cyanide or other minerals, meteoric water, ground or surface water, elements and compounds added to the process solutions for leaching or the general beneficiation of ore, or hazardous materials that result from the combination of these materials.19.Real Property. Land and appurtenances as defined in Section 55-101, Idaho Code.20.Reclamation. The process of restoring an area affected by a mining operation or cyanidation facility to its original or another beneficial use, considering previous uses, possible future uses, and surrounding topography. The objective is to re-establish a diverse, self-perpetuating plant community, and to minimize erosion, remove hazards, and maintain water quality.21.Reclamation Plan. A plan using a combination of maps, drawings, and descriptions that describes how a mine is constructed and how reclamation of a mine's affected land is accomplished.22.Revegetation. The establishment of the premining vegetation or a comparable vegetative cover on the land disturbed by mining operations.23.Shaft. A vertical or inclined passage from the surface into an underground mine.24.Surface Waters. The surface waters of the state of Idaho.25.Treatment. Any method, technique or process, including neutralization, that changes the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of a waste for the purpose of disposal, or the end result of such action.26.Water Balance. An inventory and accounting process capable of being reconciled that integrates all potential sources of water that are entrained in the cyanidation facility or may enter into or exit from the cyanidation facility. The inventory must include the water holding capacity of specific structures within the facility that contain process water. The water balance is used to ensure that all process water and other pollutants can be contained as engineered and designed within a factor of safety as determined in the permanent closure plan.27.Water Management Plan. A document that describes the results of the water balance and the methods that will be used to ensure that pollutants are not discharged from a cyanidation facility into waters of the state, unless permitted or otherwise approved by the DEQ.28.Waters of the State. All the accumulations of water, surface and underground, natural and artificial, public or private, or parts thereof that are wholly or partially within, flow through or border upon the state of Idaho. These waters shall not include municipal or industrial wastewater treatment or storage structures or private reservoirs, the operation of which has no effect on waters of the state.Idaho Admin. Code r.