Section - TITLE AND SCOPE01.Title. These rules are titled IDAPA 20.03.02, "Rules Governing Mined Land Reclamation," IDAPA 20, Title 03, Chapter 02.02.Scope. These rules establish the notification requirements for exploration and the application, operation, and reclamation requirements for mined lands. In addition, they establish the application and closure requirements for cyanidation facilities. These rules also establish the reclamation and financial assurance requirements for all these activities, and describe the processes used to administer the rules in an orderly and predictable manner.03.Other Laws. Operators engaged in exploration, mine operation, and operation of a cyanidation facility shall comply with all applicable laws and rules of the state of Idaho including, but not limited to the following: a. Idaho water quality standards established in Title 39, Chapters 1 and 36, Idaho Code; IDAPA 58.01.02, "Water Quality Standards"; and IDAPA 58.01.11, "Ground Water Quality Rule," administered by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).b. Requirements and procedures for hazardous and solid waste management, as established in Title 39, Chapter 44, Idaho Code, and rules promulgated thereunder including, IDAPA 58.01.05, "Rules and Standards for Hazardous Waste" and IDAPA 58.01.06, "Solid Waste Management Rules," administered by the DEQ.c. Section 39-118A, Idaho Code, and applicable rules for ore processing by cyanidation as promulgated and administered by the DEQ as defined in IDAPA 58.01.13, "Rules for Ore Processing by Cyanidation."d. Section 39-175, Idaho Code, and applicable rules for the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States as promulgated and administered by DEQ in IDAPA 58.01.25, "Rules Regulating the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program."e. Idaho Stream Channel Protection Act, Title 42, Chapter 38, Idaho Code, and applicable rules as promulgated and administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources.f. Idaho Dam Safety Act, Sections 42-1710 through 42-1721, Idaho Code, and applicable rules promulgated and administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources.04.Applicability. These rules are to be read and applied in conjunction with the chapter. These rules apply to all exploration, mining operations, and permanent closure of cyanidation facilities on all lands in the state, regardless of ownership. a. These rules apply to mining operations or exploration operations commenced after January 1, 1997. These rules in no way affect, alter, or modify the terms or conditions of any approved reclamation plan, reclamation plan amendment, or financial assurance for reclamation obtained prior to January 1, 1997. If a material change arises and is regulated in accordance with Subsection 090.01, then the operator shall submit a reclamation plan amendment.b. These rules do not apply to:i. Any surface mining operations performed prior to May 31, 1972. An operator will not be required to perform reclamation activities on any pit or overburden pile as it existed prior to May 31, 1972.ii. Mining operations for which the Idaho Dredge and Placer Mining Protection Act requires a permit, or which are otherwise regulated by that act.iii. Extraction of minerals from within the right-of-way of a public highway by a public or governmental agency for maintenance, repair or construction of a public highway, provided the affected land is an integral part of such highway.iv. Underground mines that existed prior to July 1, 2019, and have not expanded their surface disturbance by 50% or more after that date.c. Sand and gravel mining operations in state-owned beds of navigable lakes, rivers or streams shall constitute an approved mining plan for the purpose of these rules if the operator has all of the following:i. A valid riverbed mineral lease granted by the Board in accordance with IDAPA 20.03.05, "Rules Governing Riverbed Mineral Leasing", with a valid mineral lease bond;ii. An approved plan of operations for the riverbed mineral lease; andiii. A valid stream channel alteration permit issued by the Idaho Department of Water Resources.d. Surface mining operations, conducted by a public or governmental agency for maintenance, repair, or construction of a public highway, which:i. Disturb more than two (2) acres will comply with the provisions of Section 069; orii. Disturb less than two (2) acres will comply with Subsections 060.06.a. through 060.06.e.e. A cyanidation facility with a permit approved by the DEQ prior to July 1, 2005, is subject to the applicable laws and rules for ore processing by cyanidation in effect on June 30, 2005; however, if there is a material modification or material expansion to a cyanidation facility after July 1, 2005, these rules shall apply to the modification or expansion.Idaho Admin. Code r.