Section - INITIAL DEPOSIT AND BONDS01.Initial Deposit. The initial deposit (ten percent (10%) of net sale value) is paid in cash and retained by the state as a cash reserve for the duration of the contract; the purchaser is not entitled to any interest earned thereon. All or a portion of the initial deposit may be applied to charges as the contract nears completion. Any remaining initial deposit will be forfeited in the event the contract is terminated without being completed.02.Performance Bond. A bond of sufficient amount to ensure compliance with he terms and conditions of the sale contract or fifteen percent (15%) of the net sale value of the forest products (whichever is greater) must be executed within thirty (30) days from the date of sale and prior to contract execution. Failure to fully perform the contract may result in forfeiture of all or part of the performance bond.03.Payment Bond. Prior to cutting any forest products, the purchaser must provide a bond acceptable to the Department as assurance of payment for products to be cut or removed, or both, within the succeeding ninety (90) days. The Department will determine the payment bond amount on delivered product sales. Failure to make full and timely payment per contract terms may result in forfeiture of all or a portion of the payment bond.Idaho Admin. Code r.