Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

This section will not apply to foreign or alien insurers licensed in this state or an insurer that is a SOX Compliant Entity or a direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of a SOX Compliant Entity.

01.Responsibility. The Audit committee will be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the work of any accountant (including resolution of disagreements between management and the accountant regarding financial reporting) for the purpose of preparing or issuing the audited financial report or related work pursuant to this chapter. Each accountant will report directly to the Audit committee.
02.Corporate Membership. Each member of the Audit committee will need to be a member of the board of directors of the insurer or a member of the board of directors of an entity elected pursuant to Subsection 021.05 and Section 010 of this rule.
03.Independence. In order to be considered independent for purposes of Section 021, a member of the Audit committee will not, other than in his capacity as a member of the Audit committee, the board of directors, or any other board committee, accept any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from the entity or be an affiliated person of the entity or any subsidiary thereof. However, if law requires board participation by otherwise non-independent members, that law will prevail and such members may participate in the Audit committee and be designated as independent for Audit committee purposes, unless they are an officer or employee of the insurer or one (1) of its affiliates.
04.Continuation of Service. If a member of the Audit committee ceases to be independent for reasons outside the member's reasonable control, that person, with notice by the responsible entity to the Director, may remain an Audit committee member of the responsible entity until the earlier of the next annual meeting of the responsible entity or one (1) year from the occurrence of the event that caused the member to be no longer independent.
05.Controlling Person. To exercise the election of the controlling person to designate the Audit committee for purposes of this rule, the ultimate controlling person will provide written notice to the directors of insurance of the affected insurers. Notification will be made timely prior to the issuance of the statutory audit report and include a description of the basis for the election. The election can be changed through notice to the Director by the insurer, which needs to include a description of the basis for the change. The election will remain in effect for perpetuity, until rescinded.
06.Accountant's Reports to Audit Committee. The Audit committee will require the accountant that performs for an insurer any audit prescribed by this rule to timely report to the Audit committee in accordance with the standards of his profession. If an insurer is a member of an insurance holding company system, the reports prescribed by Subsection 021.06 of this rule, may be provided to the Audit committee on an aggregate basis for insurers in the holding company system, provided that any substantial differences among insurers in the system are identified to the Audit committee. The accountant's reports need to include:
a. All significant accounting policies and material permitted practices;
b. All material alternative treatments of financial information within statutory accounting principles that have been discussed with management officials of the insurer, ramifications of the use of the alternative disclosures and treatments, and the treatment preferred by the accountant; and
c. Other material written communications between the accountant and the management of the insurer, such as any management letter or schedule of unadjusted differences.
07.Requisite Proportion of Independent Audit Committee Members. The proportion of independent Audit committee members will meet or exceed the following criteria:

Prior Calendar Year Direct Written and Assumed Premiums

$0 - $300,000,000

Over $300,000,000 - $500,000,000

Over $500,000,000

No minimum requirements.

See also Note A and B.

Majority (50% or more) of members will be independent. See also Note A and B.

Supermajority of members (75% or more) will be independent. See also Note A.

Note A: The Director has authority afforded by state law to require the entity's board to enact improvements to the independence of the Audit committee membership if the insurer is in a RBC action level event, meets one or more of the standards of an insurer deemed to be in hazardous financial condition, or otherwise exhibits qualities of a troubled insurer.

Note B: All insurers with less than $500,000,000 in prior year direct written and assumed premiums are encouraged to structure their Audit committees with at least a supermajority of independent Audit committee members.

Note C: Prior calendar year direct written and assumed premiums will be the combined total of direct premiums and assumed premiums from non-affiliates for the reporting entities.

08.Hardship Waiver. An insurer with direct written and assumed premium, excluding premiums reinsured with the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation and Federal Flood Program, less than five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000) may make application to the Director for a waiver from the Section 021 requirements based upon hardship. The insurer will file, with its annual statement filing, the approval for relief from Section 021 with the states that it is licensed in or doing business in and the NAIC. If the nondomestic state accepts electronic filing with the NAIC, the insurer will file the approval in an electronic format acceptable to the NAIC.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022