Section - CONTENTS OF ANNUAL AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT01.Contents of Report. The annual audited financial report will report the financial position of the insurer as of the end of the most recent calendar year and the results of its operations, cash flows and changes in capital and surplus for the year then ended in conformity with statutory accounting practices prescribed, or otherwise permitted, by the Department of Insurance of the state of domicile. The annual Audited financial report will include the following:a. Report of independent certified public accountant;b. Balance sheet reporting admitted assets, liabilities, capital and surplus;c. Statement of operations;d. Statement of cash flow;e. Statement of changes in capital and surplus;f. Notes to financial statements, which will those prescribed by the appropriate NAIC Annual Statement Instructions and NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual. The notes will include a reconciliation of differences, if any, between the audited statutory financial statements and the annual statement filed pursuant to Section 41-335, Idaho Code, or other applicable section of Idaho Code with a written description of the nature of these differences.g. The financial statements included in the audited financial report will be prepared in a form and using language and groupings substantially the same as the relevant sections of the annual statement of the insurer filed with the Director. The financial statement will be comparative, presenting the amounts as of December 31 of the current year and the amounts as of the immediately preceding December 31. (In the first year in which an insurer needs to file an audited financial report, the comparative data may be omitted.)Idaho Admin. Code r.