Section - DEFINITIONSIn addition to the definitions set forth in Section 41-1213, Idaho Code, the following definitions also apply:
01.Open Lines for Export. "Open Lines for Export" is defined as the class or classes of business which the Director has declared eligible for export in accordance with Section 41-1216, Idaho Code.02.Lines Other Than Open Lines for Export. "Lines Other Than Open Lines for Export" is defined as the class or classes of business not on the list of open lines for export which are to be offered to eligible surplus lines insurers in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 12, Idaho Code.03.Diligent Search. A Broker has exercised their obligations under Section 41-1214(2), Idaho Code, if the Broker or the referring insurance producer submits a risk to at least one (1) authorized company engaged in writing in Idaho the type of coverage sought, or if there are no companies engaged in writing such coverage, the risk is submitted to at least one (1) company that, in the Broker's or producer's professional judgment, is the most likely to accept the risk.04.Delegated Contractor. Any contractor to whom activities have been delegated by the Director under Section 41-1232, Idaho Code.Idaho Admin. Code r.