Section - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS01.Owner's Statement.a. Prior to entering into a life settlement contract, the provider obtains from each owner a written statement in substantially the following form: "I, [owners name], have freely and voluntarily consented to the life settlement contract that accompanies this statement. I have carefully read my insurance policy that is the subject of the life settlement contract and I understand the benefits that are available under the policy. I further understand that by entering into the life settlement contract, the right to benefits under the insurance policy will be sold to another party and I, my heirs or former beneficiaries will no longer have any right to receive those policy benefits."b. If the owner has a terminal or chronic illness, the following wording is also to be included in the owner's statement: "I am currently suffering from a terminal or chronic illness that was not diagnosed until after the policy that is the subject of the life settlement contract was issued."c. The statement of the owner needs to also be acknowledged by a notary public.02.Owner's Right to Rescind Life Settlement Contract. a. The life settlement contract is to conspicuously inform the owner in bold type of at least twelve (12) point font that the owner has an absolute right to rescind a life settlement contract within twenty (20) calendar days of the date the contract is executed and sets forth the manner in which notice is given.b. Upon being informed of the owner's intention or desire to rescind a life settlement contract, the provider immediately provides the owner with a full accounting of the amount that will be repaid by the owner in to rescind the policy. The amount due includes only amounts actually paid to and received by the owner pursuant to the terms of the life settlement contract along with any premiums, loans and loan interest paid by or on behalf of the provider in connection with or as a direct consequence of the life settlement contract. An owner is not obligated to pay any financial penalties, liquidated damages or other punitive fees or charges in connection with rescission of a life settlement contract.c. Until the owner receives from the provider an accounting of the full and correct repayment amount needed to rescind the life settlement contract, a tender of payment by the owner of amounts actually received and reasonably believed to be due upon rescission will be deemed in substantial compliance with the requirement of notice and repayment of proceeds within the twenty (20) day rescission period.03.Life Settlements Occurring Within Two Years of Policy Origination.a. No broker or provider may solicit, arrange for, or enter into a life settlement contract within two (2) years of the date of issuance of the life insurance policy or certificate being settled unless one (1) or more of the conditions identified in Section 41-1961, Idaho Code, applies. If one (1) or more of the conditions is present, the provider obtains from the owner a written statement sworn before a notary public setting forth in detail the circumstances permitting the early settlement of the contract. The sworn statement also includes the following or substantially similar wording: "I hereby affirm that there was no plan or arrangement in place or under discussion, or any promises made, regarding the settlement of this life insurance policy at the time the policy was purchased."b. In addition to the sworn statement, the provider will obtain and retain as a part of its records independent documentation of the circumstances permitting early settlement of the life insurance policy along with all documentation relating to any premium financing arrangements made in connection with the policy being settled.c. The sworn statement and copies of all supporting documentation will be provided to the insurer at the time a request for verification of coverage is submitted to the insurer. A request for verification of coverage relating to a policy or certificate that has been in effect for two (2) years or less will be considered incomplete if it is not accompanied by the owner's sworn statement and supporting documentation. An insurer that determines a request for verification of coverage is incomplete will immediately inform the broker or provider in writing that the verification is incomplete and identify all items needed to complete the request.Idaho Admin. Code r.