Section - FILING OF FORMS01.Filing of Life Settlement Contracts and Disclosure Forms. No person may use a life settlement contract or disclosure form in Idaho unless the form is first filed with the Department along with a certification that the form meets the requirements of Sections 41-1950 through 41-1965, Idaho Code. The certification will be in the form as prescribed by the Director and signed by a person registered as a provider or broker.02.Filing of Advertising Materials. No person may use advertising materials promoting or advertising the availability of life settlements or life settlement services in Idaho unless the materials are first filed with the Department. If the advertising is not in written form, a written script will be filed. All advertising relating to the business of life settlements will have a unique identifying form number in the lower left-hand corner of the advertising piece and needs to comply the following standards: a. Be truthful and not misleading in fact and implication. All information is set out conspicuously and in close conjunction with the statements and will not be minimized, rendered obscure, ambiguous, or intermingled with the context of the advertisement so as to be confusing or misleading.b. Reference the complete form number of any life settlement contract being advertised and clearly identify the full and complete name of the provider or broker using the promotional material. Advertising materials cannot use a trade name, any insurance group designation, name of the parent company of the provider or broker, name of a particular division of the provider or broker, service mark, slogan, symbol or other device which would have the capacity and tendency to mislead or deceive as to the true identity of the provider or broker without disclosing the name of the actual provider or broker using the advertising material.c. No advertisement will omit information or use words, phrases, statements, references or illustrations if the omission of such information or use of such words, phrases, statements, references or illustrations has the capacity, tendency or effect of misleading or deceiving sellers or prospective sellers as to the nature or extent of any policy benefit payable. The fact that the contract offered is made available to a prospective seller for inspection prior to consummation of the sale or an offer is made to rescind the life settlement contract if the seller is not satisfied, does not remedy misleading statements.d. Advertising materials cannot use words or phrases in a manner which exaggerates any benefits beyond the terms of the life settlement contract and fairly and accurately describe the negative features as well as the positive features of the life settlement contract and life settlement program. An advertisement cannot represent or imply that life settlements by the provider are "liberal" or "generous," or use words of similar import, or that benefits of a life settlement are or will be beyond the actual terms of the life settlement contract.e. Advertising materials cannot be designed to encourage or promote the purchase of life insurance for the purpose of transferring ownership to third party investors who lack an insurable interest in the in the life of the insured.f. An advertisement cannot create the impression directly or indirectly that a provider, a broker, its financial condition or status, a life settlement contract or program, or the payment of life settlement benefits is approved, endorsed, or accredited by any division or agency of this state or the United States Government.g. Testimonials used in advertisements needs to be genuine, represent the current opinion of the author, be applicable to the life settlement contract advertised and be accurately reproduced. A provider or broker using a testimonial makes as its own all of the statements contained therein, and the advertisement, including such statement, is subject to all the provisions of these rules. If the person making a testimonial, an endorsement or an appraisal has a financial interest in the provider or broker, or a related entity as a stockholder, director, officer, employee, or otherwise, such fact is disclosed in the advertisement. If a person is compensated for making a testimonial, endorsement or appraisal, such fact will be disclosed in the advertisement by language substantially as follows: "Paid Endorsement."h. The source of any statistics used in an advertisement are identified in the advertisement.03.Font Size for Printed Materials. Pertinent text of all printed materials needs to be filed with the director under the Life Settlement Act, including, but not limited to, notices, disclosure forms, contract forms, and advertising material, is to be formatted using at least a twelve (12) point font. Signature blocks, footnotes or text not relevant to the understanding of the printed material may be printed in a smaller font, but in no case smaller than a ten (10) point font.04.Disapproval of Noncompliant Forms. The Director may disapprove any form needed to be filed pursuant to this Section if, the form does not comply with any part of Title 41, Idaho Code, or these rules, or the form is unreasonable in its terms, contrary to the interests of the public, misleading to the public, unfair to the owner, or is printed or provided in a manner making any part of the form substantially illegible.Idaho Admin. Code r.