Section - FIRE SAFETY STANDARDSEach daycare facility must comply with the following.
01.Inspections. Must be completed by the local fire official or designee. For a daycare located outside of the area of authority under Section 39-1109, Idaho Code, the Department can designate an approved inspector for daycare licensing purposes only.02.Daycare Fire Inspection Fees. Are payable to the local fire department or fire district official.03.Unobstructed Exits. Required exits must be located in such a way that an unobstructed path outside the building is provided to a public way or area of refuge. a. Exit doors must open from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort.b. There must be at least two (2) exits located a distance apart of not less than one-half (1/2) the diagonal dimension of the building or portion used for daycare, but not to exceed seventy-five (75) feet. An exception may be made for the following: i. The distance between exits may be extended to ninety (90) feet if the building is totally protected throughout with smoke detectors; orii. The distance between exits may be increased to one hundred ten (110) feet if the building is equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system.c. The required dimensions of exits must not be less than thirty-two (32) inches of clear exit width and not be less than six (6) feet, eight (8) inches in height. An exception for sliding patio doors will be accepted as a required second exit in a family daycare home and group daycare facility only.d. Sleeping room exits must be provided with at least one (1) emergency egress window having at least a single net clear opening of five point seven (5.7) square feet, minimum height twenty-four (24) inches, minimum width twenty (20) inches, and maximum finished sill height not over forty-four (44) inches. i. Approved egress windows from sleeping areas must be operable from the inside without the use of separate tools.ii. In lieu of egress windows, an approved exit door is acceptable.iii. An approved piece of furniture or platform, if anchored in place, may be approved to sit in front of a window if the sill height is over forty-four (44) inches.e. Where children are located on a story below the level of exit discharge (basement), there must be at least two (2) exits, one (1) of which must open directly to the outside. More than one (1) exit from the basement opening directly to the outside may be required, depending on the structure of the building, to ensure the safety of the occupants.f. Where children are located on a story above the level of exit discharge, there must be two (2) exits, one (1) of which must open directly to the outside and comply with building codes.Idaho Admin. Code r.