Section - DEFINITIONS N THROUGH Z01.Noncompliance. Violation of, or inability to meet, the requirements of these rules or terms of licensure.02.Plan of Correction. The detailed procedures and activities developed between the Department and the owner, operator, or both, required to bring a daycare facility into conformity with these rules.03.Regularly on the Premises. Means twelve (12) hours or more in any one (1) month, or daily during any hours of operation.04.Relative. A child's grandparent, great grandparent, aunt, great aunt, uncle, great uncle, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, first cousin, sibling, and half-sibling.05.Restraint. Physical interventions to control the range and motion of a child.06.Second Degree of Relationship. Refers to persons related by blood or marriage, and includes their spouses. The number of degrees between two (2) relatives is calculated by summing the number of ties between each relative and the common ancestor.07.Staff. A person who is sixteen (16) years old or older and employed by a daycare owner or operator to provide care and supervision at a daycare facility under Title 39, Chapter 11, Idaho Code, and these rules and includes the following: a. Operator. An individual who operates or maintains a licensed daycare facility.b. Owner. A person, individual, group of individuals, associations, partnerships, corporation, or any other entity that has legal control and authority over a daycare business.c. Provider. A person who is sixteen (16) years old or older, who provides care and supervision at a daycare facility and is included in meeting the child-staff ratio requirements.08.Supervision. Within sight and normal hearing range of the child(ren) being cared for under Title 39, Chapter 11, Idaho Code, and these rules.09.Training. Preparation, instruction, and continuing education related to daycare services that increase the knowledge, skill, and abilities of a provider, owner, operator, staff, or volunteer.Idaho Admin. Code r.