Section - DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONSThe following definitions apply, in addition to the terms defined under Section 39-3502, Idaho Code:
01.Alternate Caregiver. A CFH provider approved by the Department to care for a resident from another CFH for up to thirty (30) consecutive days when the original provider is temporarily absent or unable to care for the resident.02.Certificate. A permit issued by the Department to operate a CFH.03.Certified Family Home (CFH). Hereafter referred to as "CFH" or "the home."04.Certified Family Home (CFH) Requirements. The requirements under which CFHs must operate are these rules and the provisions of Title 39, Chapter 35, Idaho Code.05.Critical Incident. Any actual or alleged event or situation that creates a significant risk of substantial or serious harm to the physical or mental health, safety, or well-being of a resident.06.Healthcare Professional. An individual licensed to provide healthcare within their respective discipline and scope of practice.07.Immediate Jeopardy. An immediate or substantial danger to a resident.08.Incident. An actual or alleged event or situation that impacts or has the potential to impact the resident's health or safety, but does not rise to the level of a critical incident.09.Incidental Supervision. Supervision of the resident by a provider-approved, responsible adult not including care services such as medication management, personal assistance, managing resident funds, etc.10.Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. The performance of secondary level activities that enable a person to live independently in the community, including preparing meals, accessing transportation, shopping, laundry, money management, housework, medication management, using tools and technology, and other associated tasks.11.Level of Care. A categorical assessment of the resident's functional ability in any given activity of daily living, instrumental activity of daily living or self-preservation, and the degree of care required in that area to sustain the resident in a daily living environment.12.Plan of Service. The generic term used in these rules to refer to the Negotiated Service Agreement, Personal Care Plan, Plan of Care, Individual Support Plan, Support and Spending Plan, or any other comprehensive service plan.13.Primary Residence. A person's place of permanent domicile or residence, to which the person intends to return after any temporary absence. The residence in which a person stays for at least thirty (30) days in any consecutive sixty (60) day period.14.PRN (Pro Re Nata). An abbreviation meaning "when necessary," allowing prescribed medication or treatment to be given as needed.15.Relative. A person related by birth, adoption, or marriage to the third degree, including spouses, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, great-grandparents, great-grandchildren, great-aunts, great-uncles, and first cousins.16.Staff. The provider, or a person retained by the provider to assist with maintaining the home and caring for residents. A full-time staff works at least forty (40) hours per week for the CFH.17.Variance. A temporary exception not exceeding twelve (12) months issued by the Department to a CFH allowing noncompliance with a specific requirement of these rules when the provider shows good cause for the exception and the variance does not endanger any resident's health or safety.18.Visitor. A guest of a household member who is temporarily visiting the home for thirty (30) consecutive days or less.19.Vulnerable Adult. A person eighteen (18) years of age or older who seems unable to protect themself from abuse, neglect, or exploitation due to the effects of advancing age, mental illness, developmental or physical disability, or other chronic health condition.20.Waiver. A permanent exception issued by the Department to a CFH allowing noncompliance with a specific requirement of these rules when the provider shows good cause for the exception and the waiver does not endanger any resident's health or safety.Idaho Admin. Code r.