Section - RESPITE CARE SERVICESIf the SNF offers respite care to relieve families or other individuals, there must be policies and procedures written and implemented regarding the program. The following requirements must be met:
01.Admissions. Respite care residents are to be admitted to the facility in the same manner as any other admission that includes:a. Authorization by a physician.b. Current medical and other information sufficient to allow the facility to safely care for the resident.c. Medication and treatment orders signed and dated by the resident's attending physician.02.Limitations. No resident is to be considered as respite care when the stay at the facility is not for purposes of relief for other care givers or families and the stay exceeds a four (4) week period of time. Variances may be granted by the Department on a case-by-case basis.03.Records. Are to be maintained for all respite care residents that include at least the following: a. Medical information sufficient to care for the resident submitted by the attending physician.b. Signed and dated physician's orders for care, including diet, medications, treatments, and any physical activity limitations.c. Nursing and other notes by staff caring for the resident.d. Medication administration record.e. Pertinent resident data information such as name, address, next of kin, who to call in an emergency, name of physician, etc.04.Exceptions. Due to the short length of stay, certain documents and actions provided to and required for other in-house nonrespite care residents are not required for respite care residents. Exceptions to be considered at the discretion of the facility are as follows:a. A complete history and physical examination by the physician is not required so long as he provides the facility with sufficient information to care for the resident.b. Physician visits are required only if the resident needs such a visit due to illness or injury or if the resident exceeds the definition of respite care and remains in the facility beyond a four (4) week period.c. The resident care plan may be limited to include care and services to be provided during their stay and short-and long-term goals are not necessary.d. Activity assessments and plans are not necessary so long as any activity limitations are known and recorded on the resident's plan of care.Idaho Admin. Code r.