Section - DEFINITIONS01.Administrator. The person delegated the responsibility for management of a facility by the legal owner, employed as a full-time administrator in each facility, and licensed by the State of Idaho. The administrator and legal owner may be the same individual.02.Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. An RN having specialized skills, knowledge and experience who is authorized under the Idaho Board of Nursing rules to provide certain health services in addition to those performed by registered nurses (RN).03.Board. The Idaho Board of Health and Welfare.04.Change of Ownership. The sale, purchase, exchange, or lease of an existing facility by the present owner or operator to a new owner or operator.05.Charge Nurse. One (1) or more licensed nurse(s) who has direct responsibility for nursing services in an operating unit or physical subdivision of a facility during one (1) eight (8)-hour shift, to be provided by themself and by any other licensed nurse or auxiliary personnel under their immediate charge.06.Department. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare or its designee.07.Director of Nursing Services (DNS). An RN currently licensed in Idaho and qualified by training and experience.08.Existing Facility. A nursing home currently licensed.09.Governing Body. Individuals such as facility owner(s), chief executive officer(s), or other individuals who are legally responsible to establish and implement policies regarding the management and operations of the facility.10.Governmental Unit. The State of Idaho, any county, municipality, or other political subdivision, or any department, division, board, or other agency thereof.11.Hospital Licensing Act. The Act under Sections 39-1301 through 39-1314, Idaho Code.12.Licensed Nursing Personnel. An RN or LPN currently licensed in Idaho.13.New Construction. a. New buildings to be used as a facility.b. Additions to existing buildings and/or added bed capacity.c. Conversion of existing buildings or portions thereof for use as a facility.d. Unlicensed buildings seeking licensing, federal certification, or both.14.Person. Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, governmental unit, or legal successor thereof.15.Pharmacist. Any person licensed as a pharmacist in Idaho.16.Physician. Any person licensed by the Idaho Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or osteopathic medicine, provided further, that others authorized by law to practice any of the healing arts will not be considered physicians (Section 54-1803(3), Idaho Code).17.Resident. An individual requiring and receiving skilled nursing care and residing in a facility licensed to provide the level of care required.18.Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF). A facility designed to provide area, space, and equipment to meet the health needs of two (2) or more individuals who require inpatient care and services for twenty-four (24) or more consecutive hours for unstable chronic health problems requiring daily professional nursing supervision and licensed nursing care on a twenty-four (24) hour basis, restorative, rehabilitative care and assistance in meeting daily living needs. Medical supervision is necessary on a regular, but not daily, basis (Section 39-1301, Idaho Code).19.Substantial Compliance. A facility is in substantial compliance with these rules, regulations, and minimum standards when there are no deficiencies that would endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the residents.20.Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP). This term designates unlicensed personnel employed to perform nursing care services under the direction and supervision of licensed nurses. The term also includes licensed or credentialed health care workers whose job responsibilities extend to health care services beyond usual and customary roles and which activities are provided under the direction and supervision of licensed nurses. UAPs are prohibited from performing any licensed nurse functions under Section 54-1402, Idaho Code. UAPs may not be delegated procedures involving acts that require nursing assessment or diagnosis, establishment of a plan of care or teaching, the exercise of nursing judgment, or procedures requiring specialized nursing knowledge, skills, or techniques.21.Waiver or Variance. May be granted under the following conditions: a. Good cause is shown for such waiver and the health, welfare, or safety of residents will not be endangered by granting such a waiver;b. Precedent will not be set by granting of such waiver. The waiver may be renewed annually if sufficient written justification is presented to the Department.Idaho Admin. Code r.