Section - APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE01.To Apply for a Food Establishment License. To apply, the application and fee is submitted to the "regulatory authority" as defined in Section 111 of these rules.02.Food License Expiration. The license for an Idaho food establishment expires on December 31st of each year.03.Renewal of License. A renewal application and a license fee must be submitted to the regulatory authority by December 1st of each year for the next calendar year starting January 1st.04.Summary Suspension of License. A license may be immediately suspended under Section 831 of these rules. Reinstatement of a license after a summary suspension does not require a new application or fee unless the license is revoked.05.Revocation of License. When corrections have been made to a food establishment whose license has been revoked under Section 860 of these rules, a new application and fee must be submitted to the regulatory authority.06.License is Non-Transferable. A license is not transferable when ownership changes under Section 8-304.20 of the incorporated Food Code.Idaho Admin. Code r.