Section - REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS01.Certifier's Signature. The certifier of the facts of birth according to Section 39-255, Idaho Code, must sign the birth certificate. No stamps or other types of facsimile signatures may be used. When a birth occurs in an institution, the signature of the certifier on the medical record of birth may satisfy the requirements of Section 39-255(a), Idaho Code.02.Signature of the Informant. When a birth occurs in an institution and the institution maintains a worksheet signed by either parent (named on the birth certificate) as informant, and the worksheet is part of the medical record, the signature of the informant on the worksheet may satisfy the requirements of Section 39-255(c), Idaho Code.03.Out-of-Institution Births. The State Registrar may require additional evidence of the birth when the birth did not occur in an institution and was not attended by a person who regularly attends births. If acceptable documentary evidence is not received, the State Registrar will inform the parent(s) of their right to petition an Idaho court of competent jurisdiction for an order establishing the facts as set forth on the birth certificate.Idaho Admin. Code r.