Section - DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
01.Attendant at Birth or Stillbirth. Any physician, midwife, or other person who assists in the delivery of a live born infant or stillborn fetus.02.Birth Out of Wedlock. A birth occurring when the mother was not married at the time of either conception or birth, or between conception and birth.03.Board. The Idaho Board of Health and Welfare.04.Confidential Registry. A file of all notices of putative fathers' claims to paternity for their child(ren) born out of wedlock and intent to support such child(ren), that is established in the office of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics.05.Current Registration. The filing of a certificate less than one (1) year after the event occurs.06.Delayed Registration. The filing of a certificate one (1) year or more after the event occurs.07.Department. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.08.Director. The Director of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare or their designee.09.Expedited Certified Copy. A certified copy of a vital record that has been given priority status for processing and issuance.10.Local Registrar. The local registration officer identified in Section 39-247, Idaho Code, appointed by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics to carry out duties incidental to the operation of the vital statistics system within a specified area.11.Mortician or Funeral Director. Any person who makes a business of disposing of dead bodies. The term "mortician or person acting as such" refers to any person having charge of the burial, cremation, or other disposition of a dead body. This includes stillborn fetuses.12.Putative Father. The biological father of a child as identified by himself, the natural mother, an adoption agency, or a court.13.Relatives of Deceased Qualified Adult Adoptees. The adoptive parents or grandparents of the adult adoptee.14.Relatives of Deceased Qualified Birth Parents. The parents or grandparents of birth parents.Idaho Admin. Code r.