Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Grounds. The Department may terminate or suspend a license vendor on the following grounds:
a. Failure to have sufficient funds for the electronic funds transfer (EFT) to the Department more than once during any twelve (12) month period.
b. Failure to make good any fund deficiency to the Department within three (3) days of notification.
c. Failure to follow any procedures specified by the Department for selling or reporting sales.
d. Failure to comply with any terms of the contract agreement or failure to maintain the original criteria used in determining vendor eligibility.
e. Fraud or deception in the vendor application.
f. Negligence in obtaining proof of residence or completion of the application portion of the license could constitute grounds for suspension of a vendorship.
02.Immediate Termination/Suspension.
a. A vendorship will be terminated immediately upon the following grounds:
i. Notice from the bonding company that the vendor's bond has been canceled.
ii. Inactivity for a year.
iii. Receipt of two (2) suspensions in any three (3) year period.
iv. Sale of the business that is the vendorship.
b. A vendorship will be suspended immediately and may be terminated immediately upon the following grounds:
i. Violation of Fish and Game laws or rules.
ii. Violation in the issuance of a license or in performance as a vendor.
iii. Alteration of any license.
iv. Three contract violations within any twelve-(12) month period. The vendorship will be suspended for up to one (1) year following such a third violation.
03.Terminations - Minimum Sales.
a. Incorporated City. When a vendor located within an incorporated city fails to sell at least three hundred (300) licenses during the first year of operation, or sell at least six hundred twenty-five (625) licenses during the second and subsequent years, termination will be at the end of the calendar year.
b. All Other Areas. All other vendors who fail to sell at least one hundred twenty-five (125) licenses during the first year of operation, or at least two hundred twenty-five (225) licenses during the second and subsequent year, will be terminated at the end of the calendar year.
c. A vendorship not selling the minimum number of licenses will not be terminated if the Department determines the service is necessary.
04.Application After Termination. An application after termination for reason of inactivity, sale of the business, or nonpayment of license fees will be processed as a new application. The Department will not consider an application for a vendorship terminated for nonpayment of license fees until the applicant makes payment in full of all outstanding fees, including interest charged at the legal rate for judgments.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022