Section - TRANSFER OR SALE01.Lawfully Obtained. No person may sell, purchase, or barter any raptor or parts thereof, or possess raptors or parts unless the bird or parts have been lawfully obtained.02.Captive-bred. Only live captive-bred raptors banded or micro-chipped in compliance with Section 400 of this rule and 50 CFR 21.82 may be sold, purchased or bartered. Any party to the transaction must hold a valid state, federal, tribal, territory or another country's Falconry or Raptor Propagation Permit.03.Transfers.a. Resident falconers/captive breeders may not transfer any raptor wild-caught in Idaho to a nonresident unless they obtain an Idaho Wildlife Export Permit from the Department.b. With Department approval, wild-caught raptors, possessed less than two (2) years from date of capture, that have been injured and can no longer be flown for falconry purposes, as determined by a veterinarian or raptor rehabilitator, may be transferred to a federal Raptor Propagation Permit.04.Temporary Care. An authorized person may temporarily care for the raptor of another in compliance with federal regulations.Idaho Admin. Code r.