Section - CONTROLLED HUNTS01.Eligibility. Holders of hunting licenses valid for game birds are eligible to apply for spring and fall controlled hunts, subject to the following restrictions:a. Landowner-permission controlled hunt application eligibility is limited to persons who have a signed permission slip, which includes the landowner's name and address, from a landowner who owns more than seventy-nine (79) acres in the hunt area.b. Youth-only controlled hunt application eligibility is limited to persons nine (9) to seventeen (17) years of age, provided they will be ten (10) to seventeen (17) years of age during the hunt for which they apply. A nine (9) year old cannot participate in the hunt until turning age ten (10). A person who turns eighteen (18) years of age during the controlled hunt may continue to participate through the end of the youth-only controlled hunt.c. A person sixty-five (65) years of age or older, or a person with a disabled license, may purchase leftover youth-only controlled hunt tags on a first-come, first-served basis.02.Applications. Applications for spring and fall controlled hunts may be submitted electronically through the automated licensing system at any vendor location, including Department offices, through the Internet, or via telephone, not later than March 1 for spring hunts and June 5 for fall hunts, or an alternate date specified by Commission proclamation when these dates are impractical.a. Duplicate license numbers will not be accepted. Applications from Holders of a Duplicate License (Type 501) will be processed only if they include original license numbers.b. Only one (1) application per person or group will be accepted. Additional applications will result in all applicants being declared ineligible.c. A single payment may be submitted to cover fees for all applications. If a check or money order is insufficient to cover the fees, all applications will be voided and returned.d. A "group application" is defined as two (2) hunters applying for the same controlled hunt on the same application.e. Hunting license and tag fees will NOT be refunded to unsuccessful applicants.f. In the event a tag is issued based on erroneous information, the tag will be invalidated and the person will remain on the drawn list.03.Drawing Information. Single or group applications not drawn for first choice hunts will automatically be entered into a second choice drawing if tags remain available in that hunt.04.Successful Applicant. Any successful controlled hunt applicant may choose to buy the controlled hunt tag or return an unused general season tag for the species in exchange for the controlled hunt tag.05.Nonresident Limit. In any controlled hunt, not more than ten percent (10%) of the tags will be issued to nonresidents.Idaho Admin. Code r.