Section - STATUS01.Status Information Required. To determine the taxable status of an employer, detailed information regarding the business activities of any person engaged in business in Idaho shall be submitted as required, including articles of incorporation, articles of organization, minutes of boards of directors, financial reports, partnership agreements, number of employees, wages paid, employment contracts, income tax records, and any other records or other information which may tend to establish such person's status. Ref. Section 72-1337, Idaho Code.02.Notification to Liable Employers. An employer shall be notified in writing of any determination as to its liability for contributions, or its status as a covered employer if a formal determination was made after the employer questioned its status. The determination shall be in the form required by IDAPA, and shall become final if no timely appeal is taken to an appeals examiner pursuant to the Rules of Administrative Procedure of the Department of Labor.03.Employer Quarterly Report Forms. Employers who are liable to pay tax contributions, or who have elected a cost reimbursement option in lieu of tax contributions, shall submit quarterly report forms in any form or medium designated by the director or his authorized representative. Ref. Section 72-1349, Idaho Code.04.Update Requirements. Covered employers shall furnish the Department with pertinent status data when new or additional information is available. Ref. Section 72-1337, Idaho Code.Idaho Admin. Code r.