Section - DEFINITIONS01.Additional Claim. An initial claim made after a period of employment subsequent to a new claim in the same benefit year.02.Average Annual Wage. For the purpose of determining the taxable wage base, under Section 72-1350(1), Idaho Code, the average annual wage is computed by dividing that calendar year's total wages in covered employment, excluding State government and cost reimbursement employers, by the average number of workers in covered employment for that calendar year as derived from data reported to the Department of Labor by covered employers.03.Average Weekly Wage. For the purpose of establishing the maximum weekly benefit amount, under Section 72-1367(2)(a), Idaho Code, the average weekly wage is computed by dividing the total wages paid in covered employment (including State government and cost reimbursement employers) for the preceding calendar year, as computed from data reported to the Department of Labor by covered employers, by the monthly average number of workers in covered employment for the preceding calendar year and then dividing the resulting figure by fifty-two (52).04.Central Claims Office. A claims office designated by the director, where unemployment claims throughout the state are processed.05.Chargeability Determination. A determination issued with respect to whether a covered employer's account will be charged for benefits paid on a claim.06.Claim. An application for unemployment insurance or "benefits."07.Continued Claim. An application for waiting-week credit or for benefits for specific compensable weeks.08.Corporate Officer. Any individual empowered in good faith by stockholders or directors in accordance with the corporation's articles of incorporation or bylaws to discharge the duties of a corporate officer.09.Fraud Overpayment. An established overpayment resulting from a determination that the claimant willfully made a false statement or willfully failed to report a material fact in order to obtain benefits. Ref. Sec. 72-1369, Idaho Code.10.Full-Time Employment. A week of full-time employment is one where the claimant worked what are customarily considered full-time hours for that industry or where the earnings were more than one and one half (1-1/2) times his weekly benefit amount.11.Initial Claim. The first claim for benefits made by an unemployed individual during a continuous period of unemployment. An initial claim may be either new or additional.12.Interstate Claim. A claim filed by a worker who resides in a state other than the state (or states) in which he has earned wages in covered employment.13.Intrastate Claim. A claim filed by a worker who resides in Idaho and has earned wages within or as federal wages assigned to Idaho.14.Material. A fact is material if it is relevant to a determination of a claimant's right to benefits. All information a claimant is asked to provide when applying for unemployment benefits or when making a continued claim report is material and relevant to a determination of a claimant's right to benefits. To be considered material, the fact need not actually affect the outcome of an eligibility determination. Ref. Section 72-1366, Idaho Code.15.Monetary Determination. A determination of eligibility which lists a claimant's base period employer(s) and wages and establishes, if the claimant is eligible, his benefit year, his weekly benefit amount, and his total benefit amount.16.New Claim. The first initial claim made in a benefit year.17.Non-Fraud Overpayment. Any established overpayment other than an overpayment resulting from a determination that a claimant made a false statement or willfully failed to report a material fact in order to obtain benefits. Ref. Sec. 72-1369, Idaho Code.18.Non-Monetary Determination. A determination issued by a claims examiner with respect to the personal eligibility conditions of a claimant.19.Tolerance Amount. A tolerance of four dollars and ninety-nine cents ($4.99) connection with the recovery of overpayments and at the discretion of the Director, overpayments for this amount or less may be compromised. Ref. Sec. 72-1369, Idaho Code.Idaho Admin. Code r.