Section - CONDUCT OF APPEALS HEARINGUpon request for appeal, a hearing before an appeals examiner will be set. Written notice of the time and place of the hearing will be mailed or electronically transmitted to each interested party not less than seven (7) days prior to the hearing date.
01.Telephone Hearings. Hearings will be held by telephone unless, at the sole discretion of the appeals examiner, a personal hearing should be set. In deciding the manner in which to conduct the hearing, the appeals examiner will consider factors, including but not limited to the desires of the parties, possible delay and expense, the burden of proof, the complexity of the issues, and the number and location of witnesses.02.Continuance. The appeals examiner may postpone or continue a hearing for good cause on the examiner's own motion or that of any party, before a hearing is concluded. The appeals examiner may dismiss an appeal for good cause, such as abandonment of the appeal.03.Rehearing. An application for rehearing will be in writing and filed in person or postmarked within ten (10) days after the appeals examiner's decision is served.04.No Appearance Hearings. If no party appears to present additional evidence, a decision may be based on the existing record. For this purpose, the existing record will consist of documents maintained by the Department in the ordinary course of adjudicating the issues in the case, copies of which are provided to the parties with the notice of hearing.05.Exhibits and Recordings. Hearing exhibits and recordings may be destroyed, reused, or otherwise disposed of after the expiration of the time period for appeal from the decisions of the appeals examiner.06.Subpoenas. After determining a subpoena of a witness or records is necessary and reasonable, the appeals examiner will issue the subpoena, which may be served by mail or in person.07.Failure to Respond to Subpoena. If a person fails to respond to a subpoena issued by mail, the appeals examiner will proceed with the scheduled hearing and determine, after hearing available testimony, whether the subpoena is still necessary and reasonable. If so, the hearing will be continued and a second subpoena will be issued and personally served.08.Witness Fees. Individuals who attend hearings before the appeals examiner as subpoenaed witnesses, not parties, are entitled to receive a fee of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) for each day or portion thereof for attendance. In no case will a witness be paid more than seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) for any one (1) day. Subpoenaed witnesses are entitled to mileage expense at the current allowable mileage reimbursement rate as determined by the Idaho State Board of Examiners. For appeals under the Employment Security Law, such witness fees and mileage expenses will be paid from the Employment Security Administration fund. Under no circumstances will interested parties to a hearing be granted witness fees or mileage expenses. Mileage fees are not allowed for vicinity travel.09.Undecided Issues. When it is apparent that there is no prior ruling on an issue that must be decided under the Act, the appeals examiner may hear and decide the issue.10.Type of Hearing. The proceeding before an appeals examiner will be a hearing "de novo" or original hearing and not solely a review proceeding. Ref. Sec. 72-1368(6) and Sec. 45-617(7), Idaho Code.11.Role of Appeals Examiner. The appeals examiner will function as a fact finder and not solely as a judge. The appeals examiner will have the responsibility of developing all the evidence that is reasonably available. Ref. Sec. 72-1368(6) and Sec. 45-617(7), Idaho Code.12.Order of Witnesses. The appeals examiner, in the exercise of reasonable discretion, will direct the order of witnesses and develop evidence in a logical and orderly manner to move the hearing along as expeditiously as possible. Ref. Sec. 72-1368(6) and Sec. 45-617(7), Idaho Code.13.Evidence. The appeals examiner may exclude evidence that is irrelevant, unduly repetitious, or excludable on constitutional or statutory grounds, or on the basis of any evidentiary privilege provided by statute or recognized in the courts of this state. All other evidence may be admitted if it is of a type commonly relied upon by prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs. Ref. Sec. 72-1368(6) and Sec. 45-617(7), Idaho Code.14.Disruptive Individuals. The appeals examiner may exclude disruptive individuals from the hearing or may postpone the hearing if the integrity of the proceedings is being compromised. If an interested party is excluded, they will be provided a copy of the recording of the proceedings and given an opportunity to submit written evidence and argument prior to the issuance of the decision and the opposing party will be given an opportunity to respond. Ref. Sec. 72-1368(6) and Sec. 45-617(7), Idaho Code.15.Challenge of General Knowledge. If judicially cognizable facts or general, technical, or scientific facts within the appeals examiner's specialized knowledge are used in the decision, the parties will be given an opportunity to challenge them at the time of the hearing, or at the time of the issuance of the decision. Ref. Sec. 72-1368(6) and Sec. 45-617(7), Idaho Code.16.Closing Arguments. Closing arguments will be limited to five (5) minutes for each party unless the appeals examiner grants an exception. Ref. Sec. 72-1368(6) and Sec. 45-617(7), Idaho Code.Idaho Admin. Code r.