Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

It is an unfair and deceptive act or practice for a seller to:

01.Necessity of Repairs. Represent that repairs or improvements are necessary when such is not the fact or perform and charge for unnecessary repairs.
02.Completion of Repairs. Represent that repairs or improvements have been made when such is not the fact.
03.Misrepresent Danger. Represent that the goods being inspected or diagnosed are in a dangerous condition or that the person's continued use of the goods may be harmful when such is not the fact.
04.Liens. Wrongfully permit, by action or inaction, any mechanic's or materialmen's lien, or any other lien, to be filed or perfected against goods being repaired or improved, or wrongfully retain possession of the subject goods, when the owner or consumer has tendered payment in full or has tendered payment in accordance with the contract authorizing the repair or improvement.
05.Model Jobs. In the case of any improvement to real property, represent falsely that the improvement is to serve as a "model" or "advertising job" or similarly mislead the consumer that a price reduction or other compensation will be received by reason of such real property improvement.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022