Section - RODEO BULLSBulls currently in a rodeo string, bulls purchased under the feedlot exemption at an approved livestock market, bulls purchased by private treaty, and bulls purchased in other states and imported into Idaho for rodeo purposes are exempt from Trichomoniasis testing under the following conditions:
01.Division Approval. The owner of the rodeo bulls has completed and submitted an application to the Division of Animal Industries, which the Division has approved; and02.Not Mixed with Cows. The rodeo bulls are confined to a dry lot and not mixed with cows or used for breeding purposes; and03.Permanently Identified. All bulls in the rodeo string are officially identified; and04.Records Maintained. Official identification records are maintained in a permanent record file at the owner's premises and a copy of the record will be provided to the Division of Animal Industries upon request; and05.Bulls Purchased. Bulls purchased for addition to the rodeo string shall meet all other health requirements. Purchased bulls shall be immediately officially identified as specified in Subsection 400.03 of this rule. Official back tag and ear tag numbers on the bull at time of purchase shall be correlated to the official identification in the official record; and06.Bulls Removed for Slaughter. Removal of bulls to slaughter is documented in the permanent record; and07.Bulls Removed for Breeding Purposes. Bulls that are removed from the rodeo string for breeding purposes shall undergo three (3) consecutive negative official tests for Trichomoniasis. The samples for each test are to be collected at least seven (7) days apart and tested for Trichomoniasis to be eligible to receive a certificate of negative test.Idaho Admin. Code r.