Section - MOVEMENT OF DEAD ANIMALSNo dead animals may be loaded into the same vehicle with live animals.
01.Vehicles Used for Transporting Dead Animals. Vehicles used for transporting dead animals shall be constructed and maintained, or be prepared prior to receiving dead animals into the vehicle, so that no liquid or fluid from the dead animals is allowed to drip or seep from the vehicle during transport.02.Dead Animals Concealed from View. Dead animals shall be concealed from public view during transportation.03.Direct to Destination. Vehicles hauling dead animals shall travel to their destination directly.04.Disinfection. Vehicles that have hauled dead animals off an owner's property shall not be used to haul live animals, feeds or similar commodities to the property of another person until they have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.05.Transport of Dead Animals. No person may transport a dead animal across or through the property of another person without the landowner's permission.Idaho Admin. Code r.