Section - DEFINITIONSThe definitions set forth in Section 69-202, Idaho Code, and the following apply:
01.Cash Sale. Payment to the producer by the warehouse or dealer contemporaneously with the transfer of commodity to the warehouse or dealer.02.Commodity Indemnity Fund (CIF). Commodity Indemnity Fund is a trust fund.03.Credit-Sale Contract. An agreement in writing containing the provisions of Section 69-249, Idaho Code, and where the producer transfers a specific quantity of commodity to a warehouse or dealer with a price or payment to the producer by the warehouse or dealer to be made at a later date or on the occurrence of a specific event expressed in the agreement.04.Dealer. Is limited to dealers licensed by the state of Idaho.05.Deposit for Service. Deposit of a commodity by a person for cleaning, processing, reconditioning or the rendering of other similar services by a warehouse, but does not include either a cash sale, credit-sale, or open storage.06.NPE. (No price established contract) A contract containing no readily calculable sale value of the commodity for the producer.07.Open Storage. The deposit of commodity by the producer for a period of time with the subsequent disposition of the same commodity or a fungible commodity as agreed to by the parties.08.Warehouse. Is limited to warehouses licensed by the state of Idaho.Idaho Admin. Code r.