Section - INSPECTION OF PRODUCERS01.Verification. Inspections may be scheduled by the Department to verify information provided by the licensee. Any growing sites that do not conform to the license must be destroyed or the license must be amended.02.Access. The Department shall have access to hemp sites and may enter property where hemp is planted, stored, propagated, produced, or handled for the purpose of inspections, sample collections, testing, or investigation pursuant to Idaho Code and this rule.03.Harvest Notification. A producer license holder must submit a sample request form to the Department at least thirty-five (35) days prior to the expected harvest date.04.Procedure. The sampling procedure is determined by the Department's Sampling Protocol. Inspections and sampling are subject to Subsection 301.01 of this rule.05.Inspection and Sampling. ISDA will conduct inspections and collect samples of each lot not more than thirty (30) days before the hemp is harvested. The industrial hemp may be harvested only after the official sample is collected. The producer licensee or a key participant must be present at the inspection.06.Harvest. The license holder will harvest the crop no more than thirty (30) days following the date of sample collection by the Department. a. If the licensee fails to complete harvest within thirty (30) days of sample collection, secondary samples of each lot to be harvested must be collected by the Department and submitted for testing. i. The license holder must notify the Department of a delay in harvesting by submitting a request form for subsequent sample collection from each lot to be harvested. Additional sampling is subject to Subsection 301.01 of this rule.07.Lots Not Commingled. Harvested hemp lots may not be commingled with hemp from other harvested lots or other material.08.Movement. No hemp may leave the control of the producer licensee until the licensee receives notification from the Department that the lot complies with this rule.Idaho Admin. Code r.