"In that_____________________, being at the time (a contracting officer for _____________________) (the personnel officer of_____________________) (_____________________), did, (at) (on board), on or about_____________________19__, wrongfully and unlawfully (ask) (accept) (receive) from_____________________(a contracting company engaged in_____________________) (_____________________), [with intent to have the accused's (decision) (action) influenced with respect to] [as compensation for (in recognition of) services (rendered) (to be rendered) (rendered and to be rendered) by the accused the said _____________________in relation to] an official matter in which the State of Hawaii was and is interested, to wit: (the purchasing of military supplies from_____________________) (the transfer of_____________________to duty with_____________________) (___________________________)."
Haw. Code R. § 7-9-3