"In that _____________________ did, (at) (on board) _____________________, on or about _____________________ 19__, wrongfully [(use) (have in his/her possession)] [with intent to (defraud) (deceive)] (a) (an) (another's) (naval) (military) (official) (pass) (permit) (discharge certificate) (identification card) (_____________________) in words and figures as follows: _____________________, [he/she, then said _____________________, then well knowing the same to be unauthorized (_____________________)]."
"Intent to defraud" means an intent to obtain an article or thing of value through a misrepresentation and to apply it to one's own use and benefit or the use and benefit of another either temporarily or permanently;
"Intent to deceive" means an intent to mislead, to cheat, to trick another, or to cause another to believe as true that which is false.
Haw. Code R. § 7-9-14