Chapter 135 - SEALS OF QUALITY
- Section 4-135-1 - Seals of quality; descriptions
- Section 4-135-2 - Definitions
- Section 4-135-3 - Contracts with non-profit corporations
- Section 4-135-4 - Qualification requirements for use of the seals of quality
- Section 4-135-5 - Use of the seals of quality and prohibitions
- Section 4-135-6 - Application for license, renewal and review
- Section 4-135-7 - License for use of the seals of quality; fees
- Section 4-135-8 - Distribution of seals: reproduction
- Section 4-135-9 - Enforcement penalties, and prosecution
- Exhibit 1 - Standard Seal of Quality (April 1, 2004)
- Exhibit 2 - Island Seal of Quality (April 1, 2004)
- Exhibit 3 - Partner Seal of Quality (April 1, 2004)